

by  |  earlier

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  1. From the rhythm, it looks like a woman wrote it.  Using my spidey senses, she's a bottle blonde and 140 pounds.  Most likely she believed she channelled aliens.  She watches tv, and is probably an air sign like Gemini.  For the message, that's a lot of words to say next to nothing.

  2. Of course this is a poor fake.If someone could tell me five good reasons why this is a fake and not real.That would be quite impressive to me.

  3. r u ok in the head?

  4. cool but what's their take peace balance in universe i have trust issues but yeah i'd like some change cause what we're having right now is lame anything is better then this (Bush,war crisis among other things)

  5. Uh.

  6. I've wondered...if aliens really came in a space ship and talked to us long would anyone stay interested enough to listen to them?  I think eventually we'd get bored with whatever they had to say. Just like this letter...What if it REALLY IS from aliens?'s too long to hold our interest. Just like the Bible. People say it's God talking. The God of the whole universe...Still.. it doesn't hold our interest. So ...what does that tell you? Either we don't really believe that letter is really from aliens...and really don't believe the Bible is really from God...or we don't care.(?)

  7. yeah i remember when i wrote that

  8. na i dont think so

  9. either it's a fake, or those aliens are horrible spellers.

    civilization - they spelled it "civilisation", all 14 times they used the word.  any worde that would have ended in "ize" they spelled "ise"

    realized - they spelled it "ised".  yet another example of mispelling "ized"

    materialization - "

    organized - "

    modeled - they spelled it "modelled"

    psychism?? - that isn't a word, and if these were truly aliens that were knowledgeable enough to know what psychism was supposed to mean, then they would know that they could have used any other combination of words, such as intellect, intelligence, the state of knowledge... anything.

    eradication - they spelled it "eradiction".  I know this isn't the real word because the phrase was "eradiction of suffering."  eradication means elimination.

    maneuver - they spelled it really weird.  it was like "manouvre." or something similar.

    precautionary -  they spelled it "precationary."

    millennia - they spelled it "milleniums."

    see?  either this letter is 100% fake, or the person who posted this on the internet lied about the un-edited part.  since the first one is more likely, I would go for that.

    again, here's my logic:  if these aliens are advanced enough to learn our language enough to have that high a vocabulary, advanced enough to travel to earth and send us a "letter", and also advanced enough to keep themselves concealed, then I'm sure they would be advanced enough to at least be able to spell "civilization" and "eradication."

  10. This was posted before. What is the question?


  11. Fake.  Everybody knows that aliens do not get the hang of English grammar rules.  The sentence structure is totally American English.  I'd say mid-Atlantic state area.

  12. sorry thats to long for me to read ;]

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