
A Lamborghini blows by you at 160mph...?

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lets assume you are a cop, and you are trying to fill in your "non existent" monthly quota by using a few speed traps. you are out on the highway in your neat crown vic, you are hiding behind a bridge or some sort of structure when all of a sudden a Gallardo blows by at about 160-170 mph, what would you do?

a) say eff it because you know your crown vic cant do much more than 150 mph and u know that by the time you get to that speed the guy would probably be miles ahed.

b) you put down your doughnut and try anyway because it would make a cool entry in your department's "coolest car chase of the month", and u know that another cop is a few miles down the road so u tell him to be on the look out

c) your dosing off anyways, while the car is running to waste tax payer's money




  1. How 'bout, D, use the radio and call the cop that is 2 miles down the road to lay out spike strips and blow all 4 of your tires and then watch you run on rims for a couple miles until your car catches fire and you take off on foot and then a half dozen cops chase you down, slam you to the ground and cuff you.

    Later, you appear in Court to answer to the charges of vehicle theft, (as no self respecting person, capable of buying a $500,000 car would treat it that way), a dozen or so counts of felony endangerment, perhaps an unlawful evading charge or two, coupled with a resisting arrest.

    There are bad cops out there, but I would not consider a cop that gets some crazy driver like that off the street a bully.

  2. I would pray that the shitstick in the lambo didn't kill anybody else when he loses control of his vehicle.  

  3. Honestly?  I'd radio ahead to another officer and give a description.  That officer would probably, depending on the jurisdiction, radio a state unit to set up a roadblock and spike strips.  Your friend in the Lambo would be arrested for felony speeding, reckless endangerment, evading arrest, and I'd actually have to pull out the Texas Motor Code for more.  I'm sure even as a student with a Masters in CJ that I could find enough for him to go to jail for a long while.

  4. NO need to do anything...........coz he gonna dial 911 and you gonna give him an air-lift to hospital.

  5. I agree that people like dizzy should be taken off the force... when you LOVE arresting people... YOU are a BULLY and normally will arrest people and charge them with way more then what actually happened. YOU are the problem with the police force today.

    Let me say this... I think that more then 70 percent of police LOVE the power they have. I say that because of the amount of times i have been showered with their love. They love to prove how much power they have. But let me also say that there are some good ones because just as I would hate to arrest someone and put a dent in the record of their life. If it were necessary I would. i Would also more then likely be fired because quota would mean nothing to me. That is like saying if there is 1000 people... SO many of them HAVE to do wrong enough to be jailed. and I just dont believe that. Its WRONG logic to say that a police officer is not a good once because he hasnt arrested a certain amount of people. Maybe he IS a good officer because he saw past the bull to spare this person a dent in their record because he knows that a judge is more then likley going to believe the police making the person giulty just because the police say so.

    Sorry to rain in here with this but i cannot stand police that are like this guy. HEs a menace to our society and out for himself. HE needs to be stopped. NOT HONORED in any way. REMEMBER DIZZY.. THESE ARE PEOPLES LIVES YOUR PLAYING WITH!!!

  6. Motorola is faster than any car, if that cop doesn't get probably will eventually.

    I know a few people that actually got away from the cops in a car and on a bike, but it wasn't more than a couple hours before the cops were knocking on their door hauling them to jail in the middle of the night.

  7. no pursuit..risk of personal and civilian safety...dispatch is notified of the make and model...helicopter support is called into action...speed trap or covert capture

  8. i wasn't going to answer this question due to two facts; 1) it's a nonsensical question because most people that could actually afford a Gallardo would not risk it for something as stupid as out running a cop.

    2) the person asking the question is just trying to get a rise out of any cops or pro law enforcement on this sight and hence is a troll.  I know the poster will probaly make some witty comment but that is besides the point.

    Since you did not specify which Gallardo (and yes there are different models) i will comment on the most basic model.

    IT DOESN'T MATTER.  Most cops I know drive the dodge charger which will keep up with anything street legal in the us including crotch rockets.  The Gallardo would not be able to maintain a max speed for long on most roadways and there is also the fact that it is very noticible. He would have every cop in the surrounding counties looking for him because cops love pursuits.

    The other problem is the radio.  Most cops know the local areas better than the residents do and will set up spike strips along the routes the suspect vehicle is traveling.  Either way, good by Gallardo.

    A friend of mine had a Ford GT ($150,000.00 + vehicle) try to out run him.  The vehicle got wrapped aroung a tree.

    Could the vehicle get away?  Anything is possible but it is highly doubtful.


  9. there is no point in trying because even with air support it would almost impossible to catch the guy and if takes a back road after he sees you'll never find him because at that speed you would only know that the base color of the car not the type of car so all he would have to do is slow down to the speed limit and he would be just fine, it's not like you could get his license plate.

  10. They'd probably choose B.

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