
A - Levels what will I do???

by  |  earlier

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What happens if I fail to get into university?? Forget about clearing and all of that, lets say if i dont get into the uni I want, then I'd rather do something else altogether. If not uni, I'd rather get into an interesting line of work where ill get to see the world and get paid - any ideas?




  1. Don't give up so easily!  You should consider your options.  Did you know that if you get into another college and do a year or so there you can then, transfer to the school of your choice, finish out your degree there and still get your degree from them as if you attend there all along?  If it's  very compentitive school you will most definitely have to demonstrate your academic ability by achieving and transferring a very strong transcript with a high GPA,

  2. if u fail for uni then try again until u dont fail!!!!

    u can do it everyone can do it if they put some effort in it!!

    come on man!!! _P be positive

    revise like 2 hours everyday with alot of focuse and then go out with friends!!!!!


  3. You can be... an airline waiter/waitress and fly on planes....

  4. better now to get some real skills and no debt - do an apprenticship (it's not just plumbing, but law, accountancy etc) and you'll do better than going to uni!

  5. Better hope to get into university at all costs.

    There are not that many intersting lines of work open to people with just A-Levels and no experience. Whatever you get offered it is likely to be menial.

    Are you aware that even taxie drivers are having to up the anti and take BTEC courses or lose the right to drive. Graduates are driving taxi's in their place.

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