
A Lot of Math to Be a Cashier?

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I was wondering. I'm pretty good in math, I mean I'm no genius but, I can get by so I was wondering I'm thinking about getting a job as a cashier and I was wondering how much math do you have to know to do the job well?




  1. Though the two different retail places I've worked had computer-based registers that did most of the adding and subtracting, I still had to use math fairly frequently.

    Sometimes you'll give a customer their total, they'll hand you cash, you'll punch it into the register, and then they'll say, "Oh, wait!  I have some change!" and you've got to figure out how much to give them from there (e.g. for a $8.36 total, a customer might give you $9, then realize they have 50 cents.  So the register will say you need to give them $0.64, but in truth you need to give them $1.14).  

    Additionally, the second place I worked had each of the cashiers count out all their money at the beginning and end of the day.  We were given calculators, but it was really helpful to do some basic estimation to make sure you punched the numbers into the calculator correctly (e.g. 20 twenty dollar bills is $400, 10 is $200, 5 is $100; 20 5 dollar bills is $100, 16 is $80, etc.).

    It helps to be able to calculate tax in your head to help little kids who want to know if they have enough money for something, but you can always just add 10% in your head, because it's okay if it's a little bit over.

    Basically, if you were able to keep up in math through elementary school, you should be fine.

  2. Basic math skills are important, but usually the cash register does most of it for you.

  3. well, usually the register does the math for you, but it's not hard, adding and subtracting. A guy owes 7.25, gives you a ten, you owe him 2.75. Not rocket scientist.

  4. you actually just need the REALLY basica math skills i mean the tiller basically does the real math for you, all you got to do is make sure the customer gives you the right cash and make sure that you give the right cash, the tiller will tell you how much cash is needed for each.. it shoudnt be hard.. im hopfully will get the job at this clothing store i applied to (i have an interview with them next week) and i know for a fact using the cashier will probably be one of the things i will be doing, im confident about it my im scared of beeing 'too slow" but then again, most begginers are.. BUT get better with time.. so just be confident and hope it all works out.. its definatly not something to worry about though.. i wouldnt think.

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