
A Managers Most Difficult Responsibilities???

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What do you think are the two most difficult responsibilities of a manager and the two most important characteristics that a manager should possess to manage these responsibilities? Do you think that managers can be trained to develop these characteristics or do they need to be born with them? Are managers born not made?




  1. dealing with angry customers

    keeping up with the boss's requirements.

    you must be able to quickly think of things to say to customers to keep them happy, and you must be able to make sure your boss is happy (if you have one) if you don't, you have to keep the IRS happy ;)

    You can't just walk in off the street to be a manager, no... so they aren't quite born... but certain people will never be able to handle the job.

  2. Most difficult: employees calling in sick, having to work all the time.

    What to develop: no life.  you will have to work....always.

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