
A Marijuana question?

by  |  earlier

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Now, I do not do drugs, and I know narcotics (especially Marijuana) receive a lot of negative press, and, I guess most of it is true. However, I heard that when it is smoke, your thoughts become much clearer, and your creativity is heightened.

I guess what I am saying it worth it? why or why not?




  1. Reaction to pot inebriation can be as varied as those smoking it.  Some get creative, some just melt into the couch.  Most get the munchies, but not everyone.  Thoughts becoming clear--hmm? I guess that depends on how muddled they are to begin with.  Worth it?  That depends on the risk for you.  Are there random drug tests where you work?  Are you of age?  Is it legal in your state/country?  Are you willing to take those risks in exchange for your own personal enlightenment (on the use of pot & its effects)?  

  2. to me a worth

    is found within

    the experience

    that said

    I have to say


    thru all the hassles

    the cons in this

    out weight the pros

    the reasons

    -I give 4 this-

    are as so

    do it once

    it 4ever changes

    what is you

    but arguing

    the point one

    could say

    - how would you know

    the change

    was not

    - always -

    meant 2 be

    within me

    to this

    I would say


    that were

    the case

    you not have asked

    it would

    have happened

    on it's own

    not forced

    after gathering facts

    does it




    you will hear



    and no

    it slows

    the thoughts

    it does

    -I must say-

    feel as though

    there is an open


    but to traverse

    is not always

    wisest or clear

    creativity state

    of mind

    is the same

    either way

    difference is

    -high you dont care-

    who you p**s off with

    a creation

    so free-ly

    or --er--

    but half the time

    when you are


    -on the ground -

    you look at what

    is done



    is all you can think

    your thoughts


    --clearer --

    in meditative state

    --find the inner--

    to the outer

    of gates

    also understand

    once done

    it is out of hands

    and undone

    can never be

    the want

    there is


    -- a need --


    the brain



    --took years--

    4 me



    one person


    was denied

    a position

    -due to security-

    risk you become

    even worse


    sets in

    --the longer--

    you use

    the worse

    -you become-




    searching faces



    --he knows--

    and thinking

    --they know--

    or worse

    -- the voices --

    from somewhere


    or ethereal


    become loud


    felt while found


    it is not worth it

    --for thee--

    ur future

    lies differently

    you r creative

    r mind is yours


    is not ur game

    nor needed 4 you

    -in order-

    2 gain

    regain not the same


    I have had not touched it

    for as long and longer than

    you have walked this realm


    I can tell you in the same


    if a friend lit up

    and said

    -come on, have a taste-

    I would be


    and want to again

    really though

    -- you are not missing a thing--

  3. It effects people in different ways!

    Some will get paranoid and be unable to do anything but sleep, or just sit...

    Others laugh a lot etc.

    Marijuana does kill brain-cells though and it makes you lose control in a very pointless way!

    I'm creative when I'm creative, i don't think you can just take something and become creative, and marijuana definitely doesn't make your thoughts clearer, no matter what you think when you're doing it.

    It's up to you whether you think it's worth it. Always know the facts first though.

  4. its thinking clearer in a sense that you are stoned thinking differently lol!......sometimes it can be good when i smoke then try to relax.....but alot of people get more paranoid.....its a mix of positives and negatives, like i like to get high, while my mom tells me she can't stand the feeling. i mean as long as it dosen't take over your life, i don't see why not try it every once in a while.

    no, its not worth it with me even though i still do it, cuz ive wasted it seems a few years of my life trying to get messed up some how, spent thousands on drugs that i could have down payment on a house, or get a piece of land. i should have been doing other things with my life.

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