
A Mental Illness????

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This is going to sound really bizarre but if you know someone like this you'll know what I'm talking about, I'd just like to know if there is a name or something for it. I have a friend and she has these "episodes" if you like, they can last about an hour and on some days happen twice a day. She'll probably start squealing really loud at first and talking like a small child (she's 15) and then she'll go on to lying on the floor and repetitively asking for a kiss from her brother or sister, if she gets denied she'll just go screaming again or start throwing herself about. I don't think she's all there in the head and sometimes she starts crying at little things on the tv or something. If you saw her at first you wouldn't suspect a thing which makes it weird. I know already she has OCD and tendencies to self harm. Any ideas though on what this is?




  1. I've never known a Bipolar person to throw themselves on the floor. Her parents need to take her and have her checked out....maybe as her friend you can drop a subtle hint.

    OCD wouldn't cause it either.....they're very neat. Keep all sharp objects away from her and ask her why she acts that way~

  2. perhaps a border line personality disorder.

  3. schizophrenic... or schizophrenic personality disorder which is a lot like it but more about the enviorment... idk i a lot about the second one though i must say.

  4. Some kind of complex seizure maybe? Borderline maybe (that would fit with the self-harm). Needs a psychiatric evaluation definitely.  

  5. sounds like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder or multiple personalities
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