
A Muslim youth has a wet dream. What should he do?

by Guest33366  |  earlier

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(a) If it occurs before sahar in the holy month of Ramadan?

(b) If it happens after Sahar? What about fajr prayers?

(c) What is the method of taking bath for purification?

(d) Is it sinful if wet dream occurs?




  1. (a)  If wet dream occurs before sahar in the holy month of Ramadan, he should take a bath with the intention of purifying from major najas (impurity).  

    (b)  If it happens after Sahar, he should take a bath with the intention of purifying from major najas before praying Fajr salat.  There is no problem for the fasting.

    (c)  The method of taking bath for purification is : Collect pure water (water not used before) from any source and pour water over the body so that all parts of the body become wet.  Repeat this three times.

    The hinder parts of the body such as places around a**s, nose, ears, nails etc. should be washed carefully,  The bucket or other vessel containing water should be kept a little away so that the drops of water of bathing should not fall in the water.  If drops of bathing water falls in the water in the bucket water in it becomes impure.

    (d)  It is not at all sinful if wet dream occurs.

  2. b) ‘Aisha (R.A.) said, “I testify that Allah’s Messenger at times used to get up in the morning in a state of Janaba from sexual intercourse, not from a wet dream, and then he would fast that day.”

    c) Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) performed ablution like that for the Salat (prayer) but did not wash his feet. He washed off the discharge from his private parts and then poured water over his (body). He withdrew his feet from that place (the place where he took the bath) and then washed them. And that was his way of taking the bath of Janaba.

    d) It is not a sin at all, when you are asleep you have no control over your thoughts. Either you have good dreams that are from Allah or bad dreams that are from Satan.

    Narrated Ali ibn AbuTalib:

    There are three whose actions are not recorded: a lunatic whose mind is deranged till he is restored to consciousness, a sleeper till he awakes, and a boy till he reaches puberty.  

  3. get castrated so that it never happens again.

  4. If it happened any time during the day, whether it was in Ramadan or not, then ghusl should be done for purification and to be able to perform ur prayers.

    It is not a sin to have them; it is a nature, and I think that it is uncontrollable to try to avoid it.

    Here's how to perform the ghusl:

    The actions that require a ghusl:

    And other FAtwas and rules regarding the ghusl:

  5. repent.

  6. wash yourself thoroughly. wash your clothes throughly. after you are clean, then you are fine. but you must wash yourself so that you leave no part of your body dry. only then can you consider yourself purified according to god's law.

  7. (a) If it occurs before sahar in the holy month of Ramadan?

    Then just make Ghusl when you wake up.

    (b) If it happens after Sahar? What about fajr prayers?

    Still, make Ghusl and then pray Fajr.

    (c) What is the method of taking bath for purification?

    (d) Is it sinful if wet dream occurs?

    No, it's natural.

  8. what if wet dream occurs due to his spouse !!

    would it be still haram ?

    any way a person in sleep has no control over him/herself..

    a person is like a dead ..

    Death is a great mystery to most people. Not so for the students of the Quran. We learn that death is exactly like sleeping; complete with dreams (6:60, 40:46).

    [6:60] He is the One who puts you to death during the night, and knows even the smallest of your actions during the day. He resurrects you every morning, until your life span is fulfilled, then to Him is your ultimate return. He will then inform you of everything you had done.

    [6:61] He is Supreme over His creatures, and He appoints guards to protect you. When the appointed time of death comes to any of you, our messengers put him to death without delay.

    [40:46] The h**l will be shown to them day and night, and on the Day of Resurrection: "Admit Pharaoh's people into the worst retribution."

    [40:47] As they argue in h**l, the followers will say to their leaders, "We used to be your followers, can you spare us any part of this h**l?"

    [40:48] The leaders will say, "We are all in this together. GOD has judged among the people."

    Too Late

    [40:49] Those in the hellfire will say to the guardians of h**l, "Call upon your Lord to reduce the retribution for us, for even one day."

    [40:50] They will say, "Did you not receive your messengers who delivered to you clear messages?" They will reply, "Yes we did." They will say, "Then implore (as much as you wish); the imploring of the disbelievers is always in vain."

    The period between death and resurrection passes like one night of sleep

    (2:259; 6:60; 10:45; 16:21; 18:11, 19, 25; 30:55).

    you didnt have a wet dream WILFULLY,so therefore eat at sahar,take a bath,do Fajar Salat..

    let me remind the time of Sahar Does Not End at Fajar Adhan.. so you have plenty of time..

    the time of sahar is until,day break,before sunrise,and doesnt end at the Adhan

  9. Read Fiqh us-Sunnah: (references included)

  10. a- Shower


    c- Ghusal

    d-No its not Sinful ! Its naturel

  11. (d) Okay, first of all, when something isn't in your hands you are not sinful for it.  

    (c) Sahih Bukhaari

    The Book of Bathing Hadeeth No. 249 - Narrated 'Aisha:  Whenever the Prophet took a bath after Janaba he started by washing his hands and then performed ablution like that for the prayer. After that he would put his fingers in water and move the roots of his hair with them, and then pour three handfuls of water over his head and then pour water all over his body.

    For more details go to >>> contents >>> The Book of Bathing  >>>regular visitor>>>Ibadah>>>Ritual Purification

    (b) Nocturnal Emission While he was Fasting  


    If a person had a nocturnal emission while he was fasting, is his fast valid?  


    Yes, his fast is valid, because a nocturnal emission does not invalidate fasting. This is because it happens without a person choosing it, and the pen has been lifted from what happens while he is sleeping. But it is relevant here to draw attention to what many people do nowadays, which is to stay awake during the night hours of Ramadan and possibly stay awake doing something which does not benefit them, or something that is harmful to them. Then when daytime comes, they spend it sleeping, and this is not befitting. Indeed, what should be done is for a person to make his fasting time a time for performing acts of obedience, remembrance of Allaah, reciting the Qur’aan and other deeds that bring him closer to Allaah, the Most Blessed, the Most High.

    Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-`Uthaymeen  

    Fatawa Arkaanul-Islaam, DARUSSALAM, Vol.2, p.663


    Fasting For The Junub Person  


    Is it permissible for the person who is junub (needing to bath from sexual relations) from the night before to fast along with his wife or other than that?  


    The fast of the one that had relations with his wife during the night and is junub in the morning is correct. Likewise for the one that became junub due to a wet-dream during his sleep during the night – or day then his fast is also correct.

    Likewise there is no harm upon him if he delays the bathing until the appearance of dawn. Rather the fast is nullified if he has intercourse during the day from the appearance of dawn until the setting of the sun.

    Permanent Committee for Research and Verdicts

    Shaykh `Abdul-`Azeez Bin Baz

    Shaykh `Abdullaah bin Qu`ood

    Shaykh `Abdur-Razzaaq al-`Afeefee

    Fataawaa Al-Lajnah ad-daa'imah vol. 10 page 327 question 5 of fatwa number 4765  

    Translated by Aboo Haatim Muhammad Farooq


    Three Matters That Make Ghusl Waajib  


    A man had sexual relations with his wife, however he did not ejaculate, and he prayed (in that state) for a period of one week; and after that, one of the youth said to him, “It is upon you to make Ghusl and to repeat the Prayer.”

    So is this obligatory upon him or not?


    Firstly, it is obligatory that we know that the Ghusl is waajib upon us by one of three matters:

    1) Either by ejaculation, even (if this happened) without sexual relations.

    2) Or, by (having) sexual relations, even (if this happens) without ejaculating.

    3) Or, by having sexual relations and ejaculating.

    It is upon this individual to repeat his prayers that he prayed before he made the ghusl, because he has with him, in reality, something by way of neglect. And it is obligatory upon him to ask the people of knowledge, and to repeat all of these prayers, meaning, he does not pray each prayer along with its equivalent, rather; he prayers them all together.

    Shaykh Muhammad bin Saalih al-`Uthaymeen  

    Liqaa-aat-ul-Baab-il-Maftooh. Vol 1. Question no.522  

    Translated by Abu Maryam Taariq bin 'Ali

    The rulings for (a) and (b) is simply that since it doesn't break the fast, but you cannot pray while in janaaba, you must make your ghusl as soon as possible, either before or after the fast has started; to make your prayers.  

    It is important to stay away from haram things, such as going to mixed gatherings without necessity, imagining that which isn't allowed etc. But if one is keeping away from it, and getting wet-dreams, then relax, because Allah doesn't burden a soul more than it can handle.  It is not in your hands.

  12. well If a person has a sexual emission after a wet dream, he has to perform ghusl.

    (a) make ghusl

    (b) make ghusl to perform the prayers.


    In brief, as extracted from Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim: wash the hands, then the private parts with the left hand, then wash the head while passing water through all the hair, then wash the body starting with the right side and then the left.

    When you perform ghusl, you should start with your private parts. Then you should wash the rest of your body taking care not to touch the private parts. If you do it in this manner, you will not need to perform a separate wudû’.

    If, however, you touch your private parts or break wind during the ghusl, you can continue with your ghusl and it will still be valid. However, you will need to perform a separate wudû’.

    The minimum that is obligatory for ghusl to be valid is to have the intention for ghusl and make sure that pure water reaches every part of your body.

    And Allah knows best.

    (d) it is not a sin, since it is out of your control.


    sister washing hands in ghusl is performed before washing the private parts.

    And Allah knows best.

  13. my mom says you have to shower before dhuhur time, but i overheard her, so im not sure.

  14. The well wet dream are ok they dont brake to fast so have a shower clean your self properly method of taking bath for purification humm i dnt know i would use soap  and water clear throughly then do wudu ok salem brother

  15. A wet dream is not at all bad, u cannot control it

    a) perform ghusl

    b) perform ghusl----it does not break your fasting

    c) just wash the entire body

    d) no.

  16. Okay, this is just what I've been told. I'm a girl, so maybe I'm not the most helpful with this one, but I'm going to help you as much as I can bro.

    I was told that you have to do tahara, then urinate (to make sure all the s***n is gone) and then tahara again. If you have an erection, you have to wait for it to go away, and then you can wudu and go pray.

    I don't think it's sinful. You don't really have control over it. And besides, you ask for forgiveness when you pray, right? So you should be all right, inshallah.  

  17. Dont worry its natural , it does'nt have any thing to do with bad dreams , its overflow , which occours, and thats with all according to their own body systems , some has less some has more ,

    just take ghusl,

    Allah knows our intensions  

  18. (a) If it occurs before sahar in the holy month of Ramadan? take ghusl

    (b) If it happens after Sahar? What about fajr prayers? ghusl

    (c) What is the method of taking bath for purification?

    First, the person washes his/her private parts, then makes the wudu (ablutions) as usually done before prayers, then pours water on his/her head three times till the water gets to the roots of the hair. After that, the person pours the water over his/her whole body and finally washes his/her feet. Rubbing the hair is not sufficient in both ways, indeed the water has to reach the skin of the head.

    (d) Is it sinful if wet dream occurs?

    one should be pious in his thinking because what we think we see. avoid it. fast, pray to Allah, he is most forgiving and merciful.

    Rest Allah knows the best~!

    Edit: obviously its not in our control to avoid such dreams, what I meant was we should try to be pious in our thinking, while sleeping, recite holy verses, inshaAllah such dreams will not come but if they do, its natural and then you can have ghusl. thats a must.

    and brotherDawn

    washing hands is something different in ghul you have to start off by private parts

    Allah Says: {O you who believe! When you intend to offer As-Salât (the prayer), wash your faces and your hands (forearms) up to the elbows, rub (by passing wet hands over) your heads, and (wash) your feet up to ankles. If you are in a state of Janâba (i.e. had a sexual discharge), purify yourself (bathe your whole body). …} [5: 6].

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