
A Nation once again! Do you want to see an independant England in your lifetime?

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Now that we Scots have our own parliament with a Nationalist agenda and still have voting rights and MP's in westminster do the Englsh feel a we bit p***ed off? Would you like your own Nation back. We'd gladly give it to you as long as you don't try to get stroppy about the oil. It would be so good for the Scots to be able to get along with our neighbours South of the Tweed without the baggage of history. Mind you, we couldn't support your warfare any more. Still, at least you wouldn't have to suffer the indignity of having mealy mouthed Scottish UNIONISTS running your country.




  1. I don't want to split up the union that has stood and worked well for centuries, but I think that England should be given a separate parliament, like the scottish parliament, welsh assembly etc. which legislates on laws that will only affect people in England. Then we should have a large national government that meets less often to decide issues that affect us all.

    Anyway, there is no realistic chance of Scotland leaving the union. It's a simple statistical fact that you need the money you get from Westminster to have any form of a modern country. So unless you want to leave us and go cap in hand to the EU - surely we are the lesser of those two evils.

  2. Dissolve the Treaty of Union (1707) How interesting... This yank of Scottish heritage would be excited to see that.  :)

  3. None of the UK countries will be independent anymore now that Brussels is calling the shots.  Even if Wales (where I live) got independence we'd still have to obey our Lords and Masters in Brussels.

    Scottish/English/Welsh Independence means nothing anymore.  We're "all Europeans" these days don't you know.   Thats why we have half the population of Eastern Europe over here competing for our jobs (and there are precious few of those in Wales anyway . . .) and our laws have to be agreed by the Eurocrats before we can pass them.

    Best shut up and kowtow to the "Great" European Union . . . they have vays of making you talk  . . .

  4. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than England to be completely separated from Scotland!

    I feel that they have been a drain on the English and Welsh taxpayer long enough!

    I would be great to wake up one morning to realise that Scotland is responsible for it's own pensions,benefits,law and defence commitments!In other words!Standing on it's own two feet!

    Imagine it!No English and Welsh taxpayers money going to Scotland!

  5. To be honest so long as Europe is calling the shots I don't think it matters much whether the UK is united or not...

    I live in Wales and we have had a few cases of things our Welsh parliament wanted to do (especially concerning agricultural policy) over-ruled by Brussels, so as it stands the "home rule" idea is little more than that imho, a nice idea but not so great or powerful as we are being led to believe when it comes down to it!

  6. I do not like to feel that England -Scotland - Wales-and Northern Ireland are drifting apart . Soon someone will demand to know how do we justify calling it The UNITED KINGDOM . I am wondering too. Are we being Herded like sheep into different Penns? or do we want this to happen ?

  7. You are all mixed up McTacish. That oil is ours.

  8. I definitely agree with you, i think that the ,Scots, Irish, Welsh and the English should have there own Parliament, because they are all Sovereignty's in there own right.

    If third world country's can do it, we should be able to do it better than they did, as we have a sound infrastructure.

    My belief is that The Scots,Irish,Welsh, want to be independent from England, so they don't have to listen to there demands anymore, just remember the UK is not England

  9. Good point! (Family from Scotland.) Maybe you could contact me and tell me what powers the Scottish parliament has and doesn't have. I've asked this question on here before but no one really was able to be specific. I'd appreciate it.

  10. You have independence in sight but not yet in your grasp. Don't get too excited yet. Your oil - if it ever was 'yours' will dry up within twenty years. You reject the nuclear option and situated on a part of a relatively small island you reject the notion of shared defence. Whatever the economics of it you currently have the arguably smuggest most self-satisfied creep in UK politics as your leader. Good luck! I'll open reception centres in Berwick and Carlisle for your economic refugees.

  11. Could you please take Gordon Brown back?

    You can have anything you want!

  12. Most English people these days hope that Scotland gets it's Independence, we need to get rid of the Tax Burden.

    Independent England now that would be just great,

  13. O you Scotsmen going about huffing and puffing, look what WE did.  It's what the Elite did, it's part of breaking up the UK, we are now broke into regions called 'Assemblies', just the way the Elite pland it, it's all by design.  Hitler had the same design for the UK.

  14. There's a few things people seem to fail to see on this point.             No 1. UK oil is taken from the north sea which under maritime and international law is scottish waters so it's scottish oil                        No 2. Everything outside the the M25 londoners think is foreign and they think every one outside it owes them  (we owe them nothing)                                    No 3. Belfast (N.Ireland), Edinburgh (Scotland),Cardiff (Wales) are all CAPITAL cities, if so how can london be the capital of the UK           No 4. So far in what i've seen, heard and read London don't want anything to do with the rest of the UK all they want is our hard earned cash. ATTITUDE: Sod you lot we're all right (till everybody takes back what London owes us the rest of the UK)

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