
A Nice little pet...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for a pet that doesn't really need much than TLC (total love & care).

Easy to care for, doesn't fluff & doesn't p**p everywhere & is safe to let roam around the house. Not a bird. Not one of those bald cats. Not a crab/snail/fish.

Pretty much something i can Play with, Feed it, Is compact & isn't messy.

I know i'm fussy, but is my dream pet out there?




  1. Try a stuffed toy. Toys 'R' Us has lots.

  2. Well i think a cat would be ideal for you...


    -Are very very affectionate

    -Don't need a lot of care

    -Only need fed 2 or 3 times a day

    -Sleep when they are tired/ aren't being gave attention

    -Are playful when awake

    -Sleep around 20 hours a day

    -Are very clean

    -Can be kept indoors and/or outdoors


    Good Luck

  3. Doesn't p**p much? I think you're looking for this guy: ;P

    Do you mean something that uses a litterbox? If so, I agree that a cat can be a great, low-maintenance pet.


    these are as smart as dogs and can be housetrained..

    otherwise a cat is a wonderful pet.
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