
A No Brainer? What do you need to think about?

by Guest34428  |  earlier

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We have the son of an admiral, fighter pilot, businessman, wife owns a brewery, AND a woman governer with 5 kids, businesswoman,


Two lawyers.

A no brainer?




  1. Not for me or my PUMA wife.

    McCain '08

  2. son of an admiral, failure as a pilot, never owned a business of his own nor ran one.  in politics most of his adult life (when not destroying american jets).  wife is the daughter of an ex con mobster. soccer mom governor infamous for cut-thoat tactics (against her own)!


    Constitutional Law Professor at Harvard.  &

    chairman of U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

  3. Yeah, yeah, yeah, rich, rich, rich. I'll take the two lawyers. Self explanatory.

  4. This is what I think .

    A soccer mom and an old fighter, No way

  5. lol!!!!

    his wife does not own a brewery, her family does,

    hes not a businessman(he cant even remember how many houses he owns, so how is that a good businessman) j

    ust because you have kids? your special??

  6. Nothing to think about honey.

    Amazing, that from a population of over 300 million, all the Repubs can find are an old fool who graduated 5th last out of a class of 899 naval academy students, then crashed 5 planes, breaking both his arms by not possessing sufficient IQ to pull them in when ejecting from his last one, (and that was before he became geriatric), plus an ex-beauty queen who gets a kick out of killing animals from high up in the air where they can’t get at her or fight back.

    One used to kill people from the air and the other is practicing on defenseless animals.

    Both will make a good pair when they order the murder of the population of the next country on the list that they suspect of having WMD’s with ‘shock and awe’ of their own WMD’s from 30,000 feet altitude.

    It’s not “God help America”, it’s “God help the rest of us!” if they somehow manage to manipulate their way into the Whitehouse.

    Best to keep an eye on those vulnerable electronic voting machines to ensure they don’t get their guys to pull a swifty and do another Bush this time though.

    It's a no brainer alright. LOL

  7. Yeah; lawyers tend to know a lot more about how our government works, considering that's the most common profession found in Congress and the Supreme Court.

  8. And let's not forget that McCain cheated on his first wife and then had an affair with a lobbyist (which Fox News explains by saying 'hey what do you expect he was in captivity for five years!!!')!

    Now you know why he picked Palin. It is not Hilarie-envy.

    It is something else!!

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