
A Person who was banned to enter the USA for 10 years due to overstaying has been approved Canadian Residency.

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Now my question is, If in 3-5 years the person becomes a Canadian Citizen would the 10 year ban from the US be waived or would it still stand? If it still stands is there any way to waive it? Canadian Citizens are allowed to enter the USA easily compared to citizens of other countries and Vice Versa. In my opinion the 10 year ban would be waived but that is only my opinion.

And how can Canadian Citizens apply for US Citizenship. What are the requirements and costs?





  1. The 10-year bar is connected to the person, the identity, not the nationality. You as a person are inadmissible for 10 years. In 3 - 5 years, you will still be inadmissible.

    Yes, there is a waiver under section 212(d)(3) if you want to apply for it. I would say your chances of a favorable exercise of discretion would be more likely after you are firmly settled in Canada and several years have passed since your departure from the U.S.

    You really shouldn't worry about applying for U.S. citizenship at this point as you cannot even enter the country to have a beer. Try one step at a time. Become a Canadian resident. Get settled in Canada. Let some time pass. Apply for a visa for the U.S. Apply for a waiver of your inadmissibility. Apply for Canadian citizenship when you qualify.

    You can skip the visa processing, become a Canadian, and then apply for the waiver. It's up to you. Just do things in the right sequence.

  2. A 10-year ban is a 10-year ban.  You may not enter the US under any circumstances or under citizenship during that 10 years.  If you do, you are subject to up to 20 years in prison, then deportation and a permanent bar to re-entry.

    Canada typically checks to see if a person applying for visa or residency has been barred or rejected by other countries, including the US.  So how did you evade that?  If Canada finds out about your US ban, they can revoke your residency.  And if you lied ("perjury") on any visa application or paperwork for your residency or in any interview, your residency can be revoked on the basis of fraud.

  3. a 10 year ban is a 10 year ban no matter how you dress it up

    anyway it is doubtful that canada will let you immigrate when you have a ban from another country

    when you lodge your application depending where your home country is it can take 1-3 years to immigrate to canada,then you have to be a resident for 4 years before you can apply to be a citizen

  4. No, a 10 year ban is a 10 year ban.  It makes no difference what your citizenship is, the ban is personal aginst you, not your country.

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