
A Pet Rat?

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i really want a pet rat, but i've got a cat and a dog too is this safe if i mite be gettin a pet rat?

and also, could anyone tell me, what are the genral basic nessesities for a rat?

last question, what are the health risks for a rat?




  1. Rats make great pets. Consering your dog & cat, make sure the rats cage is secure, and always watch the pet rat when it is out. To cats and a lot of dogs a rat is prey. Rats know this and can become nervous and frighten around them, which can stress them to the point of making them sick. I don't have a cat anymore, but have two dogs. Our rats became friendly with the dogs, and liked to snuggle in their fur. Both dogs are really motherly type. But I would always be close at hand just incase.

    A real consern with rats health is respitory problems. We adopted a rat that we gave breathing treatments and anti-botics. I suggest you read some books or magazines (like Fancy Rats) about rats, so you can learn how to pick out healthy Rattys, and the difference in breeds and s*x. And your preference of housing them.

  2. Rats need to be in pairs. Please, if you get a rat, get a pair. Do not force one to live alone. They're highly social animals.

    Health risks: Rats are prone to tumors and upper respiratory infections. A good vet is recommended to keep your rat happy & healthy. Research proper diets for rats, as well. Join rat groups on Yahoo for wonderful & educated answers to any of your rat-related questions.

    Cats & dogs: They'll be fine. It's your responsibility to not allow the cat/dog near the rat(s) unsupervised. Most have little to no interest, once they realize it's suppose to be in the home, and they learn they cannot get it through the cage.

    Wire cages! Bigger the better. Do NOT stick your rat(s) into a glass tank. It's horrible for their health. Super Pet My First Home for Exotics is a great cage for a pair of rats.

    Message me with any other questions and definitely join Ratlist or any of the other rat-related Yahoo groups to learn the necessities of rat ownership!

  3. well, i work at a zoo with education rats(probably the same kind as what you want) and they are fairly easy to take care of. all you need is a cage, food, bedding(wood shavings), and something for them to hide/sleep in (like a small box like thing that will fit in the cage) and that is basically it. as for the cat and dog as long as you make sure they cant get to them mabey keep in a seperate room your rat should be find. with the diseases i wouldnt exactally kno but where you get your rat (petstore or breeder) they would kno.

  4. I have two cats and two dogs along with having two rats and everyone gets along fine. one of my dogs is even part rat tarrier! i think it should be safe for you to get rats.

    you cat(s) will be very instructed in the rats when you first get them. (mine were). but after a week or so it becomes old news. my cats are actually a bit afraid of my rats. my cat stuck her paw though a slot in my rats cage (wire cage) and they bit her paw! she will never do that again! lol!


    one of the most basic nessesities for a rat is another rat for a friend! here is my support to that...


    WIRE CAGE- rats do better in a wire cage. they supply more ventilation and the bars provide a jungle gym for your rats to clime on. This is the cage I have...

    I got mine at petsmart. I took out the wheel. It didn't cost too much. I cannot remember the exact price.

    BEDDING- please don't get cider bedding. Rats have sensitive respiratory systems and the saw dust that ceder bedding creates is harmful for rats to breath in. I am not completely sure whether or not pine bedding is also bad. I think it is. so just to be safe please get paper based bedding. Besides paper bedding works better anyway.

    FOOD- the blocked food similar to this

    and supplement it with some of the mixed grain food that looks similar to bird seed. (but isn't)

    FOOD BOWL- most rat cages come with food bowls. (mine did) but if you get a different cage and it doesn't come with one, get tough heavy one so it cant be tipped or chewed.

    WATER BOTTLE- get a strong water bottle that cannot be chewed. Glass ones work best. I have the "6 oz Chew proof water bottle" made by super pet. It is made from a tough glass and doesn't leak.

    TREATS- not mandatory to get. But rats love treats. You can buy some or give them stuff at home. You can give them dog bones, unbuttered popcorn, (buttered is ok, but unbuttered it healthier), and cheerios. My guys love cheerios!

    Also at petsmart you can buy yogert drops. My rats love those too!

    health ricks...



  5. i have a pet rat, male and his name is kiyoshi

    things rats need and things to keep them happy: A big cage, food and food bowl, water and a water bottle, toilet paper tubes ( with no tissue on it), tissue paper, fluff (to help them get cozy), bedding (so they are comtorable in there new home) and love and care.

    once you bought them and put them into there cage, let them stay there for atleast a day so they can get used to there new home.

    so they are safe and not to get out there cage and get lost, Make sure the cage door is closed after holding them.

    They should be okay with the cat and dog. dont worry! =)
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