
A Poem - Cold - Do You Like?

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Cold ...

Where is the heated sun

from the land and a man

who understands?

Spent are the days and nights

with hands joined tenderly -

bared and open.

Shy and constant smiles

cannot lie or hide

a loving heart.

Return glorious sun

to warm the cold forlorn

back to the land.




  1. A love waning and a wish to bring it back?  I like, it makes you think of  similar times.  My compliments

  2. very good

  3. It's sweet.

  4. good

  5. You wrote this as if you were raw emotion in the flesh.

  6. We all hit these dry patches in relationships. The ones that bring back the sun are the keepers. I really like this poem, I think it is one everyone can relate to somehow.

  7. Stanza 3 is a gift.  So are Stanzas 1, 2, and 4.  

    I know many must travel this rough little path with us.

  8. In my mostly limited experience, a title such as "Cold" would immediately turn me away...however from you, I should have known I would be blown away. This is impassioned, beautiful, and minimalistic, making it even more impacting when you finish. The frigidity of the soul can be felt in the words, especially the third stanza. Thank you for this reminder that we all need sunlight, and I hope that a warm day comes your way, with many more to follow. Blessings.

  9. a wish of warmth, is a life worth living

    when you feel that kind of cold.

    i was told, that a sun keeps shining

    even when the clouds cover its gold.

    a seemingly ignored wish sometimes Marguerite

    but in some ways, other ways even,

    it wont let you down.

    Life just wont do without any of us to have it itself.

    your poem was openly honest i thought.

  10. Nice... I read it twice, which means it got my attention. :-)

    Please, have a look at this. It is also a poem. I posted it yesterday and haven´t got any answeres yet. Think put it in a bad category.;...

    Thanx :-)

  11. I really liked this poem.  It's really creative and well put together.  The flow is great and it gets you thinking!  I think thsi depicts todays society very well, let's hope the sun comes back soon!

  12. This is a reflective and sensitive poem.  A plea for the tender spark to return to a love that is faded, perhaps jaded. I love the line "shy and constant smiles". It gives the loveliest visual image of two people in love.  Beautifully done.  Thank you.

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