
A Q about marriages our countries...أكمل الفراغات التالية

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A clumsy wife is the one who...

A clumsy husband is the one who...




  1. A clumsy wife is the one who talks all the time, always complains about something, and rarely smiles to her husband.

    A clumsy husband is the one who chooses to marry a clumsy wife.

  2. A clumsy wife is the one who...

    - Nagging.

    - Watching TV all day long. – nothing to educate her-

    - Cleaning the house is the last thing in her mind, or not in her agenda.

    - Keep shouting at the kids or the husband from a distant, instead of walking to them and talk calmly.

    - The one who keep talking just coz she does not know when to stop.

    - She does not know what Ironing cloth mean.

    - She uses Microwave 10 times more than a stove.

    - Fast food addict.

    - She depends on her husband with everything.

    - She asks the older kid to take care of the youngest.

    - Her car is full of mail, trash & unwanted small things.

    - She does not have time to take care of her body – wax and more………

    - Ware the same cloth around the house over and over. But at the same time she will go to the nail place and have 3 inch nails.

    - She love to gossip.

    - She keeps watching the neighbors.

    - A woman with no plans, aims or target in life.

    - She is a health complainer all the time

    - Drama queen

    - Talks a lot about herself

    - She acts as if she knows everything about everything.

    { look at her shopping cart & study what is buying}, nothing healthy…….

    A clumsy husband is the one who...

    - The act of: Mr. knowing all

    - Women opinion does not count at all.

    - Leaving the bathroom filthy after he shave and shower.

    - A man who worships his habits in life, and not willing to change any of it, to make his wife and the kids happy.

    - He keeps yelling at the kids from his seat.

    - Load in everything.

    - Eats junk food most of the time.

    - Leaves his work cloth on the floor

    - Very selfish when it comes to his preferred TV show.

    - Eating chips and popcorn in the living room and not willing to vacuum the floor after that.

    - The man who keeps repeating the fact, which is he is sweating to make money – if the wife is not working-.

    - Not paying attention to the small details around the house to compliment his wife.

    - Cannot see his wife’s new haircut, or new color.

    - The one who keeps repeating his macho story when he was young.

    - When his wife talk, he never look at her eyes, and not paying attention to her, and keep watching TV, then say: ya … ya

    - Leaves his nails filthy

    - Not taking care of his body hygiene

    - On the other hand he keeps his car clean & most probably, he will buy this huge PICK-UP TRUCK  to live his dream – even if he cannot afford it.

    - If he uses colon, he will use a lot. In addition, if he does not, he does not make any effort to look or smell good.

    - The last one, which I hate: when him and wife, or GF, decides to dine or having coffee somewhere away from the house.  Then an attractive woman passes by, and he will forget the woman he is with and stare at this stranger until she disappears. If his wife faced him, he will accuse her of being insecure & crazy jealous .

    My observation around me

    Have a good day… I LOVED THIS QUESTION ..:0)…. nts

  3. beside all the other answers i think..

    A clumsy wife is the one who... wasn't smart enough to avoid making a fight with her husband for every thing even not important and necessary events.

    A clumsy husband is the one who... wasn't have time to ask his wife about her self like how is she ,what she need , what she like or hate and what his bad behaviors in her opinion to avoid its

    and both of clumsy wife and husband doesn't have time to understand their partners in life , and of course they can't give or find happiness.


  4. A clumsy wife is the one who neglects her husband and children, therefore neglecting worship to allah.

    A clumsy husband is the one who forgets the needs of his wife emotionally, who is unable to live out his obligation as a husband to support his wife and children in turn not worshiping allah as he should.

  5. a clumsy wife is one who loses her husband.

    a clumsy husband is one who loses his wife .

    both are responsible for breaking their marriage .

  6. A clumsy wife is the one who fails to balance between the needs of her house and the needs of her husband

    A clumsy husband is the one who doesn't sweet-talk his wife.. (7atta law kan mesh beyel3ab bedeiloh)

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