
A Q related to lectures of imam anwar?

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duz any1 know if he has a series of lecture on othman and ali(ra) as well? if yes from where can i get it.




  1. Why from Awlaki only? Why not Ahlul 'Ilm?

    What do you know about this man whom you are taking knowledge from? Who were his teachers? Where did he learn from? Upon which Manhaj is he? Who from the people of knowledge have given him permission to teach?

    Do you know his chain of knowledge? His 'Aqeedah taken from the Khaarijee blood thirsty murderer Yusuf al-'Uyayree who took from Ayman az-Zawaahiree. That's why Awlaki translated Uyayree's book on Jihaad.

    Awlaki is not longer in the USA. He's in Yemen and is an Avid supporter of the Khawaarij.


    So they let him back in?

    What you said doesnt mean he's upon the Haqq.

    He promotes a corrupt understanding of Jihaad which was propagated by the khaarijee murderer Yusuf al Uyayree, the one responsible for the al Khobar bombings.

    This is enough to disregard him.

  2. No sister, he doesn't. I've listen to all his lectures and there are none on Uthmah(ra) or Ali(ra).

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