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I'm 13 and I'm not masturbating yet, is that normal? i don't even know how to? is that normal?




  1. I didn't learn till an older age, it's fine, if you want to learn, GOOGLE :P or just ask on here.

  2. It is normal. Masturbating is an action people choose to make so you not doing so does not mean there is something wrong with you. Those who do it frequently do so perhaps due to high hormone levels which give them sexual urges. At 13 your hormone levels are all over the place so they may be high one moment and not so much so another. It is not a necessity as others may make it seem for males to m********e. It is normal if you do not or if you do.

  3. everyone starts at their own time. don't worry about it. just try and the rest will fall into place.

    e-mail me if you have more questions.


  4. jerking offf is not a must. u will eventually feel that your body is searching for this wonderful activity. take ur time.  

  5. it is normal. some people dont know how to and thats fine also.  what you wanna do is you get your p***s to be hard and stiff. thats called an erection. then you take your hand and grab your p***s and rub up and down until you feel like you are going to pee. you arent going to pee though. it is s***n. just keep rubbing and let it come out. it feels great. clean up when you are done too.

    some people m********e while watching p**n. if you do watch p**n do not get caught!

    hope i helped

  6. u might do it without knowing i didnt learn til i was 12 and ive masterbated since like 10

  7. not normal

  8. dude relax! I'm barely 13 (Early July birthday) and I do m********e. It's normal! Just try it & you won't go back! Haha. You'll like it, try it and if you don't hey you don't have too. Good luck!

  9. Some boys don't start until later on. Most start around your age. I'm sure it's not hard to learn if you want to do it..

  10. hi i am also 13 i j*****f  too its alot of fun it feels great your first time might hurt a little since you havent used that part of your body for that stuff but after a few times it will feel good but let your balls fill back up every now and then dont wont to run out lol if you have any questions just email me at or IM

  11. dood its cool and feels good

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