
A Question About Mice?....?

by  |  earlier

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This is probably pretty weird, but the other day when I was trying to pick up one of my mice, she bit me.. and it didn't hurt or anything, because she's a mouse and all. But I'm kind of terrified to try and touch either of them again now, it just kind of shocked me when she bit me. So is there any quick, easy way to tame mice without a very big chance of getting bitten? Thanks.




  1. Well, you're probably not going to find a straight answer for this. They are animals... you can't talk them out of nipping you every once in a while. But most mice that you buy from a pet store are usually pretty tame. If you are really that nervous, here's some advice:

    1.) Before picking them up, let them sniff your fingers first.

    2.) NEVER hold them when they are sleeping.

    3.) Wash your hands before handling them, otherwise you may smell of food and they could accidentally give you a quick nip on the finger.

    4.) Hold them regularly to gain a relationship, and give treats at the end of each play session to show them that you mean no harm.

    5.) If you really, truly are THAT scared, then you could just easily hold them by the tail. It's harmless to them, and they can't bite you! But it might irritate them if you hold them by the tail for too long, so only do so for maybe five minutes, no more? Just to ensure safety to the mouse [imagine all the blood rushing to the little darling's head]. Hope I helped, and good luck! Have fun with your mice! ;]

  2. Mice just bite sometimes when they dont feel like being played with thats all. Just put ur hand in the cage for a little bit before you pick your mouse up, they have bad eyesight and if you pick them up too quickly they get a bit confused. Don't be afraid, they can sense fear and will bite your hand off! Just kidding, they're harmless lol.  

  3. Unfortunately until they get used to you they may bite. It just takes time and patience. Never try and pick them up by the tail as it can severely hurt them and greatly increases your chances of being  bitten.  

  4. If it didn't break the skin you are lucky. Their teeth grow straight out and pierce far into the skin. Bad bites can bleed for hours. Since it wasn't an aggressive bite, she was probably just testing to see if you were food (bad eyesight) or telling you she didn't want to be held at that time. I wouldn't be afraid of her because she showed no aggressiveness, she was just asking to be put down.

  5. i know what ur saying. i used to want  a hamster until i petted one in a pet store. it bit me.  it didnt hurt but it was very shocking. just build back the trust and youll be ok      

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