
A Question About Spiders????

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Ok so i have a severe phobia of spiders i can't even look at pics of them without getting goosebumps and scared. My question is, how do i minimize my fear? don't tell me to go to a pet store and hold one those ones terrify me even more. Seriously though if i even see one in my house i kill it immediately cause it terrifies me. i just killed one a few minutes ago and my legs and hands are still shaking because i was so scared.

My last question is i have been surrounded by spiders all my life, no joke they are always in my bedroom, kitchen,bathroom and even though i kill each and every one of them it seems like the next day there are still just as many as the day before. As strange as this sounds is there a type of hormone or something that people can give off that attracts spiders? i really wanna get rid of or minimize my fear of spiders so how do i do it? i know i'm in the wrong category but you guys are always real helpful here.




  1. Chances are that the spiders aren't attracted to you specifically, so dont worry about that (unless you are a fly?).

    Personally, I'm creeped out by spiders too. Like if I see a closeup of a spider or a picture of a HUGE one, it feels like theyre crawling on me and I have this horrible feeling.

    It's funny because if a dog or person attacked me I'd be less scared than if a spider were chasing me.

    The only thing I can console you with is the knowledge that spiders don't see you as a source of food, almost never bite, and most that do bite aren't dangerous. So no matter what happens, you'll be scared, but your life will be safe.

  2. I think there are a very large amount of us that feel the exact same way. I'm so scared that I will kill the darn thing, but then someone else will need to pick up and flush it's body. I recently moved into a house where I literally find two or three in here a day. What we did when we saw we had a spider problem was first to get the spray you use yourself and sprayed all the baseboards in our house. It doesn't kill all types, but is definitely helping. I got a over my fear a little bit when I kept finding dead spiders as opposed to live ones. What I did second was research. I found out what kinds of spiders were common to my area and then researched how poisonous they are etc. Finding out about them made me realize they really aren't as scary as they seem. You need to find out what kinds of spiders you have, look into them, and then look into how to get rid of them. For a very few species, baseboard sprays and sprays the exterminators use won't work so you need to go further. Keep yourself advised, and I think every time you kill one of those buggers you should get a little less afraid. As for your other question about attracting them, I don't think that is possible. I sure hope not!

  3. i hate to tell you this but it just might help you get over the fear. with the wide variety of spiders and their range of sizes and survival rates, you can not go into a room that does not have a spider in it.  

  4. I would call the Orkin Man.  Seriously, start out by eliminating the problem- you may have to have he problem treated by an exterminator.  Secondly, without looking at pics, I would start researching spiders.  Start by looking up the benefits of spiders and try to steer clear of the w***e stories.  There's always hypnotism or talking to a psychiatrist about it- there has to have been some point in your life where there was a turning point that made you so afraid.

    Personally, I have a really hard time with spiders too.  It got really bad after watching arachnophobia when I was 13.  We were on my families ranch with a bunch of other girls for my cousins 13th bday.  We were in the stable hands loft watching the movie and a bat flew into the loft and all around us and then took off.  So, I know where my fear is from.

    Just take it one day at a time and arm yourself with information. I'd also look into the spiders indigenous to your area- there may not be too many "bad ones" around.

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