
A Question For Boxers?

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what are the best mouth guards (NOT custom made) and headgear brands




  1. Shorts/shoes/- Grant, everlast, reyes.. everlast being the least expensive

    Mouth guard- you could get cheap ones like title boxing or normal everlast or go all out with custom.

    Gloves--grant, reyes, everlast, title, tko

    You get what you pay for basiclly

  2. is the best

    headgear below is #1

    mouthpiece below is #2

  3. any mouth-guard really... just put it in boiling water for a while and then take it out and immediately bite into it..that way it fits ur mouth for head gear the best on the market is greenhill but its quite expensive

  4. i always use the wipps double mouthgaurd they insure your mouth for up to like 50,000 i always prefer a double mouthgaurd because i can close my mouth and breth threw the hole with the single your mouth minght hang open and get your jaw hurt worse when you get hit i dont think the headgear matters that much any headgear with the usa amature boxing symbol on it will be ok for am fights you may want to get 1 with cheek peices for added protection and be sure to get 1 that fits your head properly

  5. i would go with brain pad that's what i've used for ten years

  6. My favorite mouth pieces are the 3 stage ones,

    It has 3 stages of hardness throughout the mouthpiece making it more comfortable to clamp down on, the are only a few bucks more than the cheap mouthpieces, 4-6 bucks around here.

  7. Mouthpiece: Brain Pad Pro Plus High Performance $29.99

    -Made from top-quality impact-absorbing material

    -Wider airways promote easier breathing

    -Upper and lower bite channels protect your upper and lower jaw

    -Fits easily over braces

    -$12,000 one year dental warranty

    Headgear Brands:

    1. Winning FG-5000 $320.00

    2. Cleto Reyes Classic Training Headgear $129.99

    3. Grant Professional Headgear $119.99

    Winning is the best brand out there. If you watch pro boxers on youtube, the majority of them train with Winning gloves and headgear. They're comfortable and provide the most protection.  Too bad they cost 2-3 times more than the others.

    Cleto Reyes has great headgear and gloves. 80% of the big time pro fighters fight in cleto reyes gloves. Although they don't protect your hands, they increase your punching power. The headgear is great quality.

    Grant is known for protection.  From the gloves to the headgear, this product is made with the fighter in mind. A lot of the older boxers use grant gloves because it really protects their hands.
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