
A Question For Those Who Want The Hillary Supporters?

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to now vote for Obama. I keep seeing all these questions telling the Hillary supporters who are voting for McCain, that they should vote for Obama because their policies are the same. My question is: If they are the same- Why did you vote for Obama over her?? Isn't it a bit hypocritical to get mad at them for voting McCain when you chose the black man over the more experienced woman?




  1. A liberal being hypocritical?  Perish the thought!  They are so self-righteous they put even the worst Christians to shame.  I think McCain will win over a lot of voters, but there are people who have always voted along party lines who won't change their mind.  That being said, the media is screaming on MSNBC that picking Palin won't change a thing and that their party is unified and everyone who supported Hillary is now voting for Obama, but that's a load of c**p and everyone knows it.  (That word giddy comes to mind again.)

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