
A Question Regarding Pennis Warts?

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For almost as long as i can remember i have had a cluster of warts on the end of my p***s that dont bother me. I had to take a empoyment physical two weeks ago and the dr. told me to get the warts checked by a expert dr. Well the experty dr. said they need to be removed. My wife doesnt want me to have them taken off coz she says they feel good during our luvmaking. They don't bother me but I need to pass the physical for my new job. What shuld I do?




  1. This is certainly a difficult situation you have stumbled into. You are about to enter a new career in difficult economic times and certainly do now want to jeopardize your employment by failing a physical exam. On the other hand family is important and you obviously wish to avoid alienating your spouse. An enjoyable s*x life is a key ingredient to a happy marriage and few things please a woman more than a big cluster of warts on a mans p****r. This is a tough call. If it were me, I would have to fore go the new career. Good luck.  

  2. You do need to get these warts removed! If they are indeed warts! Furthermore, your wife should go and get checked for warts herself!

    Warts are caused by the Human Papaloma Virus, or HPV, they can be highly contagious, and in women it has been known to contribute to Cervical Cancer! Not to mention, if your wife performs oral s*x on you, she could develop warts in her MOUTH!

    If what I have just told you is not enough to motivate you to have them removed, do a web image search on "Genital Warts" and check out some pics of what your p***s, or your wife's v****a may look like if this is left untreated and the warts begin to spread! Just because you have had them for "quite some time" with out them spreading is NO guarantee that they won't ever spread!

    Besides, having warts should not be a condition of employment anyway, when getting a physical for employment they generally only report to the employer whether you are healthy to perform the job for which you have applied, anything more would be a breach of Patient Doctor Confidentiality!

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