
A Question about MSN Hotmail?

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Hey Guys :)

Well I was looking at my contacts on the internet on the MSN website (the Hotmail bit)

I have a couple of friends online cus the icon next to it is green, but most of my contacts were offline because they had the little grey icon which means offline. However there are a few of my contacts with no little icons next to it. What does this mean? Does it mean they havn't accepted me yet?

A bit of a weird question but its jus something i'd like to kno for future reference!

Thanks Guys x




  1. Yes, typically it would mean that they have yet to accept you onto their friends list. I add my Yahoo contacts onto msn as well, it just shows up as a small blank pageish like symbol sygnifying that I can write them an email. (Also its in the Other Contacts list) Hope this helped!


  2. Hi Zobina, well it doesnt mean that they didnt accepted u NO

    this called (Non-Instant Messaging Contacts)

    and its include 2 things:

    1- E-mails of people who doesnt have messenger (MSN) just an E-mail, so u can E-mail them but u cant talk to them on MSN

    for example : , this is my work E-mail, so its non-instant messaging

    2- E-mails of people who have already MSN and E-mail at the same time, for example : so this is my E-mail it will be saved on this list and the list of Instant messaging

    suppose there is one of ur friends who have Hotmail or MSN account, its there on this list but its not on the Instant messaging list and u want to add him or her

    then all u can do is click right click on it then choose Edit Contact

    then theer u will find one field called instant messaging Address, put their address there then click on Save and it will be added

    Thats all, best wishes and gd luck, maybe my idea wasnt clear for u so in case if u needed any more help or anything feel free

    to contact me at anytime , Best of luck  

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