
A Question for Before breakfast runners...?

by  |  earlier

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For those of you who run before breakfast, how do you feel afterwords?

Do you find that you are losing more weight?




  1. I feel fine, and I am not trying to lose weight.

    I doubt that it really matters very much whether you run before or after you eat as to how much weight you lose.

  2. No, my stomach just feels more empty. I only run for the mental stability anyway though, not for actually physical fitness, lol.

  3. It does matter if you run before or after dinner.......... shows how much lestermount knows !! Running at night is best for loosing weight but its best to run in the morning before breakfast on something like a glass of pure orange juice it benefits your endurance e.t.c better and stops any problems which you may get if you run after eating . Hope this helps :]

  4. I ran 7 miles this morning before breakfast and feel great as usual.

    I think the fact that I run so much and so far (about 30-40 miles a week) is why I lose weight, not WHEN I run.

    Also, it gets up to 100+ in the afternoon here in Sacramento so its really the only time I can run.

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