
A Question for girls being in love ? ?

by  |  earlier

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so far have been in love with a girl for 5 months, i sometimes give her money for buying mobile cards, shoes and so on. What's wrong with this? I'm just looking for some advice ...




  1. theres nothing wrong with it. if you dont mind and offer just dont do it too often because then she will expect it and you might get taken advantage of.

  2. Does she have the same feelings for you?? If so there's nothing wrong with spoiling her!! If she's just using you and your too blind to see it then you need to open your eyes!! For one thing coming straight from a female here are signs that your're being used.

    1) She constantly asks you for money

    2) She's always throwing out hints that she wants something

    3) She gets mad at you if you don't give in to her needs

    4) She ignores your calls and only calls you when she wants something!

    ANSWER: DROP HER!!! She's no good!

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