
A Question for vegans/vegeterians?

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Hello all....

I have to admit I am selfish. A few months ago, I was dating this beautiful vegeterian woman and her, plus all of her friends were so appealing that I decided to adopt this lifestyle myself. I have since broken up with my g/f but I am continuing to be a vegeterian because I can easily meet vegeterian and vegan women this way. I know that is terrible, but honestly, I cannot eat meat and then expect to meet women of your lifestyle. My question is this...I've noticed this kind of prejuidice against this lifestyle since I adopted it. Everything seems to be geared towards meat eaters in society and even functions like company events are difficult for me. I want to word this exactly right.. because I totally love women that live this same lifestyle. I was wondering...does anyone else feel that as vegeterians/vegans society does not treat us with respect??




  1. No. At 2% of the population (U.S.) what do you expect? Most of society treats you with all due respect but you can't expect to be catered to any more than diabetic diets, kosher diets, sodium free diets, gluten free diets etc.....

    The fact is: there aren't enough of you to make you any more important than the other dietary groups. I don't understand why company events would be difficult for you. All they serve is meat? Every company event or social event I've ever been to has non-meat items.

  2. You never actually said where you're from because in London I've never had any problems especially in recent years. You wanted to be a veggie in the early eighties that's when i became a veggie. Man the only choice was a nut roast,if that,& a celery stick!!...i still hate nut roast. Mind you if you mean specifically work related events then i wouldn't know.Maybe take a "packed lunch" next time.

  3. wats samada yu gotta no respect wada yu think you du, itsa not so bad..aaah shatta upah your face.

    try eating a pig nice and toasty pig roasted over an open fire..mmh add some spices can you just taste the succulent flavor and that aroma...aaah once you go pig you never go


  4. It is both ways. Some meat eaters bashes us veg*ns about our lifestyle. Other meat eaters dont have the say at all and some do respect us. But there are also veg*ns that are rude to meat eaters and I believe it shouldnt be. I mean, it is someones business and you have nothing to do with it.

  5. I was a vegetarian for 4 years and just this past week began eating meat again. You can expect a large amount of prejiduce and people joking with you and trying to convince you to eat meat. Ocassionally they'll lie to you to get you to eat it telling a certian dish doesn't have meat in it when it actually does.

    Expect that every time you eat with a new person they will ask you why youre vegetarian and what prompted the decision. So come up with a story to tell people and stick with it.

    People are not going to take you as seriously, and quite frankly you are going to annoy a lot of people with your dietary choices. Especially if you have a meat eating family.

    My recommendation is to try it out for a year or so and see how you like it. I think you find its a lot more trouble than its worth. There are really no benifits socially or physically.

    Find another way to "meat" haha women. They are a large number of unattractive vegetarians as well.

  6. ummmm i respect you babe! you can eat anything you want!

    and you can call it a cauliflower if you want!



  7. well im a vegan and my boyfriend eats meat...

    and i dont exactly like it... but i live with it...

    just aslong as he doesnt kiss me after hes eaten meat lol

    anyway, it is selfish what ur doing, i think its wrong... i think u should learn more about veganism/vegetarianism.. cuz then ud have a real reason to live this way and not just to "pick up girls"...

    and another thing, dont generalize...

    i hate it when ppl say "why r boys such idiots.." or "why are girls so complicated"

    ur asking if the vegetarian society doesnt treat u with respect... well thats not really fair cuz u havent met every vegan/vegetarian out there..

    i mean if "we" were all the same then i wouldnt still be with my boyfriend now, would i?

  8. I eat vegetable and meat, give up and do the same. Meat is yummy all that juicy steak you are missing and the moist chicken, Also some vegetarians take it the the level where they don't like oral s*x, so if you want that continue being one.

    How about Cuddly Woo Woo? He eats meat.

  9. well, i don't think veggies treat meat eaters with disrespect because i myself am a veg and i dont treat meat eaters rudely..

    and i also dont think veggies are treated rudley by meat eaters...i mean people look at me shocked when isay i am a veggie but fortunately they don't comment!

    .but i do feel that meat eaters should stop eating meat because its disgusting how those guys kill animals to EAT them! just imagine! (i know you are a veggie, but this is for meat eaters) what if someone eats a wouldn't like it would you? same way, animals too wouldn't like to be eaten...or just imagine some people eating humans...sounds nasty doesnt it? but its same as humans eating animals..i mean i can't imagine how meat eaters eat meat! i don't eat meat because the thought of eating flesh, muscles, wings, legs, and b*****s of chickens and animals kills me!

  10. Some do, some don't. All we can do is live the way we desire to live and try to improve on things in any way we can. Also in turn not be hypocritical and treat people who eat meat disrespectfully.

  11. I think it goes both ways. I am vegetarian, and I am very respectful towards people who eat meat. I know vegetarians who go up to people and call them rude names for eating meat.

    But I have taken so many rude comments for being veg, and people make fun of me for it. Overall, I think vegetarians take more c**p for being veg than meat eaters do.

  12. You must have a hard time meeting women if you want to become a vegetarian just to meet vegetarian women.  You don't need to be a vegetarian to date a vegetarian.  Be a vegetarian for the right reasons.  Some meat eaters will put us vegetarians down and vice versa but not all people are like that.  My being a vegan is a personal choice but I don't put people down who eat meat.  I just don't like when my family tries to convince me to go back to eating meat.  They need to respect my decision.  Meat eaters just aren't informed about vegetarians.  They don't understand it so they put it down.  That is no better than us vegetarians/vegans putting meat eaters down.

  13. never really expected any respect for my diet.  i respect myself for it.  currently most of my bussiness assoc. are veggie, one currently transisitioning their diet because of health.

  14. Whether the person I like eats meat or not, it all comes down to my beliefs and theirs. But seperately.

    I'm a vegetarian but my boyfriend loves meat. And that's okay. I don't eat meat but everyonr in my family does. And I never make it a problem for them either. Like, there's meat all over our refrigerater and it's usually blocking all my food, but I just move it and I don't make a big deal and say anything offensive or stuck up.

    Also this guy friend of mine is a vegetarian but he works at a restaurant serving food. I'm more than positive he doesn't preach to every who orders a hamburger. Cause if that's what they want, that's what they want.

    And I'll be with my sister and she'll be like

    "Should I get the chicken sandwhich or the whopper Jr?" and like..I don't eat meat..I hate the taste of it...but I'm not gonna be a biyotch and say "ew meat!"

    (please, please, please...don't get offended by this comment)

    oh and last night, at a party at this hotel, this guy said

    "the food here sucks...fried banana's, are you serious????...but there's a party down in the other room here and it's a black family reunion. I saw that they had chicken!"

    and I laughed, thought to myself "ew, chicken" but then thought in a meat loving guys perspective and said "haha yeah it's probably the best chicken too! go get some!"

    But, I do sort of understand what you mean. After being vegetarian for 5 months, I've seen how much people treat meat like it's actually just always been a FOOD, instead of an animal. Like, there was just rotting dead cow on my tv for some Ruby Tuesday commercial and my friend said "delicious!"....are you serious? Haha. But I didn't say anything lol.

    Oh, and I was reading a cosmogirl magizine and it was like

    "how to eat healthy"

    and it said stuff like lean meet or fish sandwhiches...but....what if you don't eat animal corpses?

    i don't know if I answered your question. But. There ya go.

  15. We make up a small percentage of the population. Being vegan, I am part of an even smaller percentage.

    We cannot expect anyone to accommodate us without polite notice in advance followed by clear statement of the other party's effort to meet our needs.

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