
A Questions For Those Who Don't Want a Christian in?

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the White House. Okay I just read & answered a question about Sarah Palin - asking about "do we want someone who believes in creationism" in the White House. My question to those people who say no: Isn't Obama a Christian?? Haven't you been arguing this fact for over a year??




  1. You can be a Christian without believing that God created all people and animals, the environment, and the whole universe in 7 days 6000 years ago. Trust me.

  2. I don't care either way as long as they have a half a brain.  If he is a Christian, I want an old timey gun toting Christian.  Kind of like if you go in for heart surgery, you don't want a fresh 34 year old kid with 2 years on his back in the practice;  I want that crusty old son of a ***** that used to stick his hand up a cows *** when he was sixteen and working for a veterinarian, and has to do a shot before he walks into the operating room to calm his hand and brain, and then cuts you open.  And even with doctors, they have a contingency surgeon.  If they die while operating on you, there is one in the office right down the hall that can be there in about ten seconds.

  3. I am a christian, but I still don't believe in creationism. I believe the bible is not clear on how life was created. And to be honest it is loony to believe in creationism as defined by most Christians. I also don't believe god make rain, earth quake and hurricane happen. He created nature but nature is independent. He created men as well, and we have free will. The bible is not meant to explain creation, it is meant to educate men about morals and ethical behavior expected from the lord. Also Jesus Christ and God are two different entities that share the same values. Jesus(the moral compus) being the son of God(the intelligent designer).  

    Organize religion is meant for those who are not intelligent enough to think for themselves. Real Christian don't particularly associate them self as any denomination, but are open to listening to what others have to say.

    Your type of christian attack science but forget that it is science that has brought forward the computer you are using right now, the TV you watch, the cure to deceases, treatment for illnesses, the plane you board to fly some where on vacation, the car you ride to work.

  4. I am a Christian, and not a creationist. Your question makes a connection that is false. All Christians are not creationists. I do want a Christian in the White House: Barack Obama.

  5. God created the world.  Macro evolution is a  false speculation that is over glorified with the name theory.  Cambrian diamonds have .1% c14 which shows they could not be 300 million years old  more like 6000 given their half life on the order of 5730 years it is not possible to have that high a level of c14 and be even 1 million years old.    We find soft red tissue inside the femur of T Rex in MOntana in 2005 as reported by MSNBC showing that dinosaurs lived much more recently than 65 million years ago. The RATE studies show the level of C14 is roughly constant form the top of the geological column in the grand canyon to the bottom in coal samples examined, leaning more in the direction of a universal flood laying down the rock layers at once than slow gradualism of naturalism.  The helium diffusion rate and helium present in radioactive zircons also are not consistent with long ages,  but rather thousands of years of age. God created the world and in the manner claimed in Genesis.

    Sure, theoretically speaking,  a creationist in the white House makes sense.  Practically speaking,  Obama did not defend live born babies when he had the chance but argued against protecting them so he will not get my vote.

  6. here's the diff: palin wants to shove it down my throat

  7. Neither Obama nor McCain is Christian.  They didn't get where they are by doing good, Christian deeds.  Why are people so f*cking stupid?

    Lots of thumbs down for this one, haha.  Those die-hard republicans must be up and at em' this morning.

  8. not all Christians believe the earth is flat.

  9. I don't think it is them not wanting a Christian in the White House.

    I think it is them not wanting someone in the White House trying to force morality into law.

    But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

  10. There are Christians who do not take the initial chapters of Genesis literally.

    Trying to tie being a Christian to rejecting science shows real ignorance of the entire debate.

  11. He is Christian.  But he also believe in modern science.  

  12. Libs don't mind a Christian, as long as it's one of their guys.

    Of course, anything a Lib says and does makes no sense.  

  13. aren't libs such Hypocrites

  14. you know what i want? religion completely seperate from the people who make the decisions that effect all of us, i'm not being represented by anybody, i feel, because everyone seems to be some sort of bible thumper. STOP IT we need to make moral decisions that come from intellectual debate, not decisions based on some 2000 year old work of fiction.

  15. Obama is a morally-confused individual from a morally confused church that claims to be Christian but fellowships with The Nation Of Islam, preaches a social gospel that is theologically supremacist, political and heretical, and conducts and promotes homosexual romantic relationships every Saturday afternoon in the actual church facility.

    The moral-compass of Barack Obama is not calibrated properly enough for one to draw a clear distinction regarding his beliefs on just about anything.  

    He will remain "nuanced" in just about everything to get elected.  

    He is a politician, currently with no church home and no moral direction ...only ambition!  

  16. I don't care what the candidate believes, as long as they don't try to force it upon me or mine.  Two of the most important and great things about this country are Freedom of Religion and Separation of Church and State.  I am an atheist, I would not tolerate teaching creationism in public schools.  A public school is just that, it is a publicly funded program that needs to be separated from religion.  If you want your children to learn about creationism send them to a private school or ask your pastor/priest to teach them, but please keep my children out of it.  My children are free to believe what they want, but I don't want them to be exposed to religion at such an early age.

  17. Obama is NOT only a Christian...he has urgued that GOD created mankind...his church say's the same thing...WTH???

  18. Obama *is* a Christian but that doesn't mean he wants creationism taught in science classes.

    Creationism, a theological concept, should be taught in churches, theological establishments.

    Evolution, a scientific concept, should be taught in science classes.

    If you teach Christian creationism, you have to teach all other religions' creation beliefs in order to be constitutionally sound.

    I don't know how I feel about hearing about Zeus versus the giants or the magic coyote stealing the water baby and causing the world to flood... in a science class.

  19. I don't mind a Christian in the WH, but prefer they not be a fundamentalist Christian.

    Frances  Collins, the head the the human genome project wrote a book called The Language of God.  Mr. Collins is a devout Christian who sees no problem with believing in evolution.

    I don't believe God is all hung up on whether we believe in evolution or creationism.  Maybe we all all find out for sure what is true in another life. For now, there are bigger things to be concerned about.  

  20. Your question shows you don't have a clue what you are even talking about.

    You rant and rave but YOU talk like a dumb guy

    what is your point..Obama is a Christian so what? and what about all this bull chit about creationsim? that is part of the Bible..? duh

  21. all 4 of them are christians and  even if obama wa a muslim they believe in creationism too.

  22. Both presidential candidates claim to be christians, as does Gov. Palin. I'm not sure what religion Sen. Biden claims he is of so I won't speculate on it.  

  23. The election is not about who is or is not a christian, it's about who is the best person for the job.  If an athiest is elected, will it become a crime to go to church?  Same logic for any of the other 'group members' who stand for elections.  It's impossible to get a truly impartial politician so you have to vote for one that you suspect has a brain and good policy or the nearest thing to that.

  24. Yes but being a Christian and accepting evolution and reality are not mutually exclusive. A creationist is a very ignorant form of Christian. They ...

    1. Know very very very little on the actual history and context of the Bible

    2. Ignore science and most scientific processes

    3. Get really angry when you correct them.

    Sarah Palin wants her nonsense taught in schools, that is the biggest problem

    I know many Christians who accept evolution and totally reject creationism. I mean it's common knowledge to anyone who has taken the time to do a comparitive study.

  25. Excellent question, star for you!

    Yes, Obama does claim to be a Christian therefore believes that God created the universe.

  26. Most educated Christians believe in Evolution, because you can't take a Genetics Class in college and NOT know it's true...

    Creationism & Christian do not necessarily go hand in hand...

    God created an evolutionary process to create higher forms of life over billions of's a fact...God was very patient, and probably couldn't have created life any other way...

  27. This may be news to you, but there are Christians out there who think the world is older than 6000 years old.

  28. In the interest of accuracy, which few people seem to be interested in these days, Sarah Palin and many other people want Creationism AS WELL AS Evolution taught in schools.  Few so called "scientific" based people seem to realize that it is still only the "Theory of Evolution" not the fact.  Regardless of the rhetoric and vitriol and other pseudo-science being spewed by so many, Evolution remains only a theory.  Why, because it does not explain everything, in fact it does not explain the origin of man nor the creation of the Universe.  If you have not been told this, just imagine what else you are not being told.


  29. Does O believe or just attend church to vote 'present'?

    Pathofreason, I'm sure you're right about a lot of Creation believers, but ... Feel free to email me if you wish to debate that with me to see if you feel the same about 'all'.

    Sara Palin has been honest about her beliefs, but has not used her office to force anyone to believe as she does.  There has been an occasion where she has mused about what it could hurt to let people know that there are alternative theories out there.  To which I heartily agree.

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