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ok, ok, first let us stop and think about this depersonilization... do you remember the first time you had it? When you, probably, THOUGHT of life as "unreality". you probably have a history of anxiety,and then it just randomly struck you, and there it was, depersonilization.


think about what JUST happened.... you got the depersonilization through THINKING about it. basically, depersonalization, as weird and strange as it may be, it is BLANTANTLY NOT REAL!!!, it is NOT a physical illness, niether is it a mental illness, a disorder not an illness. It is an disorder because you consistantly affixiate on the thought as being horrible and believe you are going "insane", but no you are not.

What i was saying before was that this thought is exactly what it is A THOUGHT!

YOU thought of it and YOU "made" it. it is just a thought that was generated by yourself, a thought is NOT REAL. if something is NOT REAL then it cannot harm you. you basically make yourself feel this way, like when you THINK you are sick and then MAKE yourself "sick", which you are really NOT!

and for the people who can not understand, or differentiant, the solidness of the other five senses of the body, think of THIS

our senses cannot ignore the experiance of substance!

blatantly, our bobies cannot DETACH FROM REALITY!!! HA-HA!!

OH and also, and after thought, it is advised to become ENRAGED WITH THIS THOUGHT! think "how dare it control me!!!"

Become enpowered and over come the thought! a thought is just that, you and you alone can stop this depersonilization HERE AND NOW!!

Also it is Important to STOP THINKING ABOUT DEPERSONALIZATION, EVRYTHING ABOUT IT! i know i was there, but you MUST affixiate your mind on something else, but at the very least, EVERY TIME you START to think about is stop yourself THAT ISTANT! think of something else or do something stupid to prevent the thought from comming through, works EVERY time.

God bless, and how i know this works, i had it for about three years, but decided to fight back instead of being a victim of my own stupid thought, i forced myself to destroy the thought, abolish it if you will.

Good luck, Oh and i hope you cna kick this things *** like i have.




  1. i love you:)

    but can u pls answer my question?

    i know and im aware of what your saying but how can you take it away and feel real when all the things thats happening to you are negative. i mean a lot of friendship is ruied. im all alone. whom will i turn back to when im normal again? its hard. when i finally realized that this is not real but ive no friend anymore to turn back to.

  2. i dont have depersonalization, i have schizophrenia, and im like you, im going to fight it! i think your ideas are like mine, soo good luck to your ocntinued success

  3. Thanks!

  4. but what if i AM insane??? ive been flipping my top since 3rd grade. and guess wat!?! im going in 11th this year!!! so yeah. im insane. deal.

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