
A Rat Afraid of Heights?

by  |  earlier

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I just have a quick question-

My rat seems to be afraid of heights. Is this normal? he doesn't like hammocks or shoulder rides [although he's beginning to be ok with being picked up and carried around]. He's still young [no more than 6 months], so is this just a "guy" thing, or is it just his personality?





  1. all you have to do is feed him treats while he's up in his hamock or on your shoulder so he will ascociate being up high with yummy treats and he will want to be in his hammock or in your arms but make sure you dont feed him to many treats because that can get expensive. eventually you need to stop using the treats and let him know that he is suppose to want to be up high to be with you not the treats!

    hope i helped!

  2. He/she might of been pushed off something when younger so that is a possible reason.

  3. it could be that something heppend wen it was a baby or it couldjust nt like hights im not a big fan myself just gradually make things higher start low and get a bit higher it takes time hope this helps

  4. lets test to see if your rat is afraid of a mouse trap

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