
A Repressed Memory has surfaced and I'm falling apart?

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A memory that was apparently locked away has surfaced because of certain events. its something i didn't think would have happened in my family and i don't know how to deal with it well. I'm falling apart. this along with my Paranoid BF, I'm seriously losing my grip on reality. any suggestions?




  1. Watch NASCAR and beat off. That is what I do when I'm sad.

  2. Your best bet would be to go see a professional to help you deal with this kind of problem

  3. Self-Medication.

  4. Go and get professional help as soon as you can, before you do something drastic.

    What happened, happened!

    The past cannot be changed.

    All we can do move forward.

    I know that is easier said than done.

    Get help and good luck.  

  5. Justin is right.  You need to consult a professional therapist to help you with this.  Don't be afraid if the therapist doesn't help you right away, some people need to see a couple of therapists before they find the "right fit".  Just like clothes, there's a right therapist for you.  Don't rely on relatives to help you deal with this problem, they mean well, but therapists go to years of school for this.  That's why THEY are the professionals.  Good luck. I hope you can find the help you need.

  6. hey brother, i feel u.

    i have a black belt in locking up bad memories..

    u gotta deal with that s**t. let it out ,talk to people... it will keep resurfacing otherwise.. lay ur demons down an put them to rest no matter how bad they r.

    keep away from any vices such as drugs and alcohol.. they can be great temporary fixes but in the long run they will bring a whole new world of hurt into ur life.

    juss let all ur **** out, find someone to talk too with experience and bleed ya heart.

    a problem shared is a problem halved. keep ya chin up pal!

  7. I hope this is not the case for you, but when I started having repressed memories resurface at the age of 19, they didn't stop coming. I went to a therapist that was qualified for my particular issue and I have been seeing her for the past 4 years. I have also joined support groups that have helped me deal with all the issues that have come up as a result. Now the memories and flashbacks rarely haunt me, and when they do I have the tools to deal with them.

    My advice to you is to be gentle with yourself. Trust yourself. There is no reason that you would make these things up. Seek out a therapist that you feel can help with your particular issue whether it be with incest, physical abuse, or whatever it may be. For practical advice when you are actually having a repressed memory surface, try your best to stay in the present and ground yourself. You can ground yourself by a strong physical sensation like holding ice cubes or by touching something that reminds you of your life now. You can remind yourself you are an adult now and away from any danger. Good luck to you.    

  8. I had a similar experience. I had to talk to the person and come to terms with what happened. He apologized and I forgave him, but whether that is possible in your case is up to you, it may depend on what happened. I finally realized that the way I chose to feel about what happened was my choice, and I could either let it drag me down, or let it go and fly away.

    Do be aware, that sometimes "repressed memories" are more "manufactured memories" - memories are plastic, and are often fabricated by our minds to fill in gaps. You will need to talk to a counselor or trusted person, and you may have to confront this person and have it out with them - and be open for the possibility of forgiveness.

    Best of luck to you.

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