
A Republican Question?

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Do you guys think that we can solve all our problems by trying to be know it alls and everybody that don't go along with us hey let's just go to war and kill as many of them as we can NEWS FLASH ! they've got bombs too let's just get all our asses blown away because we can't sit down and talk to nobody




  1. We use the appropriate language and communication methods for the audience we are trying to reach.

    For example - the somebody only respects force and violence, those are the methods you have to use in order to get your point across.

  2. Trying to appease the dictators and other idiots that kill their own people (Sadom) and want to rule the world and kill Jews (Hitler) just doesn't work.  If it weren't for the US stepping in the world would be in sad state.  Freedom is worth fighting for my friend.  Appeasement never works; it's just viewed as weakness...World War 2 is a good your history.

  3. Perhaps, you should study history some more. Also, English. If you think like you write, your brain must have a lot of difficulty doing things, like walking, and talking, and making sense.

    65 words with no punctuation, except for one exclamation point in the middle of this diatribe.

  4. Unfortunately FREEDOM isn't FREE. It never has been. There has always been a price to pay. America is free, because there were men and women willing to give their lives for this freedom. Dictators and evil people require that we fight for our freedom- Republicans, Democrats and undeclared have led into war - it makes no difference.
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