
A Republican woman VP candidate is this a big change? (Dems 24 years ago) Or, just a big change for Repubs?

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The Democrats ran a woman for VP 24 years ago, back in the 1980's, so is this really a big change?




  1. Is Obamas change to give Hunter Biden more earmark money?

  2. It would be a change, yes, bring on more women to see their capabilities.

    Someone doesn't understand that NO one has said Palin was the first woman nominated for VP. Palin is the First female Governor of Alaska, and the First female VP nominee for the Republican Party. If McCain wins this election, Palin will be the First female VP in history. Your first answerer doesn't seem very smart. If Palin wins with John McCain, it will be history for women's suffrage. Please tell us you are not making fun of a woman's right to vote?

  3. Why did the democrats not win?  Might it have been because they didn't have the right stuff at the time?  I think so.  Now things are different.  McCain could have pulled this off without Palin's help but she's pulled a lot of votes over to McCain's side and making it a sure thing now.  I don't watch the lame TV nor do I read the ultra lame LIEberal media.  I get my results from people and the word on the street is:

    McCain IS our new president, Palin and all.

  4. Well this one actually has a shot at winning...

    I don't think anyone thought Mondale/Ferraro was going anywhere.  Kind of like when Republicans nominated Dole/Kemp in '96.  It was more like a sendoff for Dole than a real run.

  5. Yes, one other female candidate in the past 232 years is obviously mainstream!

  6. All I can say is why don't Palin bow out gracefully while she can so that she can take care of her family? Palin's baby and daughter needs her more than the United States of America. I will not blame Palin for her daughter's pregnancy, however, I just do not want a vice-president or president in office that have "normal” problems like my next door neighbor and I. I might as well run for office or my neighbor that's a soccer mom, booster club president and also has an unwed pregnant daughter sitting at home. McCain senility is setting in already if he thinks that just because Palin has breast that Hilary supporters and the undecided women will conveniently stroll over to the Republican side. What an insult to American women! Another thing is it just me but isn't McCain buying into Obama's ideology of CHANGE? Let’s see… first time in Republican history a woman has been chosen for vice president. I'm just saying...

    Independent and still undecided

  7. It is a big change only for the Republicans, yes. But still 20 years ahead of what many of them wished for, or most expected.

  8. this sure insnt a big change for Dem's. lol republicans are the ones that keep women from equal pay

  9. neither shes a maverick conservative

    see unlike liberals we dont believe race or gender determine change policies do and she will provide policy change along with mccain we dont care shes a woman we care shes a maverick conservative thats it you people are the ones who keep saying women and change in the same sentence were trying to talk about the issues but you can go ahead babbling we wont stop you

  10. The Dems did it 24 years ago and never did it again - so much for progressive.

    The first time Geraldine Ferraro was ever thanked for her ground breaking moment in a national speech was when Sarah Palin did it - not even Hillary Clinton publicly thanked Geraldine Ferraro for being the first to step into the national spotlight like she did.

    At the big speech last week - they (the Democrats) talked about cracks in the ceiling, but never talked about the first mark made by Ms Ferraro.

    What good does it being the first to take a step if that is the only time you took a step in that direction?

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