
A-Rod Dating Madonna???...Eeewww!!!?

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What is wrong with him??? y does he like older white women?...Madonna is like 49!...yikes!....what is wrong with him?...he is like my favorite baseball player ever! and now its like...omg this is who i admire?....this is totally gross!!!! oh i hope its not true, because from what i've read he's been visiting Madonna in her apartment hella late at night and such...i know its none of my business, but still..i guess...he will lose a fan...this is so gross...Madonna is so ugly and i feel so bad for Alex's wife Cynthia because she just had a baby!...but oh wait!...she's dating Lenny Kravits! oh well....silly celebs with there drama....




  1. hey its cool he can date whoever he wants to....even if it is madonna . I would rather l**k the toilet seat at a staduim before id kiss madonna

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