
A-Rod has caused the Yankees failures?

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A-Rod is a below average clutch hitter. He gets his numbers when the at-bats don't matter. He has not become a team player. I wish they would trade him for an above-average pitcher. He is a disaster in post-season.




  1. You are greedy. He is the best player of this era, and you want to trade him? He can't come through every time. He may be below average in clutch situations, but he is the best the rest of the time.

    And what do you mean the Yankees failures? The Yankees are in the playoff race with a record well above .500. If you consider this a failure, then imagine if you were a Mariners or a Giants fan. You don't realize how lucky you are.

  2. OMG! I sooooooo agree with you.  I was just having this conversation with many people about how everyone says that arod is such a great player and look at the numbers he has.  But if you take note of all his at-bats, youll see that all his numbers are when the yankees have the lead.  Maybe occasionally he'll give the yankees the lead or help the lead, but that is very rare.  He is just not clutch.  Not even the clutch of the clutch, jeter, is on his game this year.  As much as I loooove the yankees and I am such a die hard fan, I don't see them making the postseason this year.  Hopefully they will push but I am shocked about the Rays.  Wow.  Who would have guessed that they would still be in first place by now!  Nobody!

  3. They would not of gotten in the postseason last year with A-Rod and he is doing the same for them this year.  The Yankees went downhill when their pitching became old and mediocre and their defense has also gotten significantly worse in recent years.  Jeter is now a below average defender and Cano is also a pretty poor defender, and Giambi is a joke at first.  Outfield defense is pretty poor as well.  If you do not have strikeout pitchers and you have a poor defense, you are not going to win even if you have A-Rod and a bunch of other good offensive players.  

  4. And the game winning double play...normaly I'd feel bad for the guy but since it's A-Rod I feel no guilt. Another great game from the Yanks.

  5. yes

  6. yea he did blow the game but pettite pitched bad and no1 else did anything so you can't blame it on 1 guy when its a team sport.

  7. Absolutely not.  A-Rod is an amazing player that doesn't get nearly enough respect from the fans of the Yankees.  Any other team in the MLB would do just about anything to get that guy on their roster (short of getting rid of most of their players...which is what most teams would have to do to sign him).  I think the Yankees should trade him to a team where the fans will give him some credit.

  8. Hey Bob, don't blame your top dollar pitching for the loss tonight.  The Rangers are the best hitting team in baseball by a huge margin.  Besides that, the top 1/3 of the lineup for the Rangers did not even get a hit tonight!  If the pitching was actually "bad" like you say, that top 1/3 of the lineup would have gotten their share of hits.  Give credit where credit is due, and quit handing out unnecessary blame.  

  9. One man does not a team make. Yeah, A-Rod's had some less-than-clutch moments, but I'd rather have him than not have him. Frankly, I think his failures are overblown and sensationalized by ESPN and other media. Do I think he deserves some criticism? Of course. When you make as much money as A-Rod does and are a surefire Hall of Famer, you have to accept the criticism. But in the end, it's still a team game. The Yankees lost as a team tonight. It sucks, sure, but let's not put all the blame on one guy. And if we're going to give him blame for failing to hit in the clutch, you'd better give him credit where due. If he wasn't a Yankee in 2007, the Yankees wouldn't have sniffed the playoffs.

    Besides, if he gets more chances in the postseason, he's bound to come around sooner or later. And I honestly believe that.

  10. Last time I checked, baseball is a team sport.  He wasn't the only player who wasn't hitting in play offs.  

  11. WELL ITS A TEAM SPORT, okay got that second for the Yankees failures you cant just blame one player because YOU WIN AND LOOSE AS A TEAM , And the Yankees have not had Pitching to sustain and have not been healthy  

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