

by  |  earlier

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Ok, well its my moods. I cant control them and its so unlike me.

Most of the time i will be very down, tired and often find myself crying for absolutely no reason.

And out of no where i will be happy and have so much energy and basically act like someone on drugs lol.

Then be back to down again.

Whats wrong with me and why am i so moody, i know my boyfriend is getting sick of it and i don't want to loose him.





  1. Sounds like bipolar disorder.  You need to be seen by a mental health provider, or if not your regular physician who can prescribe you medications.

    Or call me crazy, but I believe sometimes lots of prayer and/or deliverance is sometimes needed in these cases.

  2. is NOT Bipolar.  Bipolar mood episodes last for several days or weeks or months.  A Bipolar person is usually in a depressed mood for months and then manic for weeks.  It is not a minute to minute change!

    It sounds like you are young, hormones flairing, and maybe get more so during PMS.  

    Exercise and it will help.

  3. i had same, PMS most likely !

  4. sounds like bipolar

  5. ok sound like a simple case. i know you feel like is really hard to control your moods. the real quetion is. what is seeting them off. crying is connected with a fear. fear of self or other thing. any thing that will cause harm will set off that fear. you already said fear of loosing your boy friend. what you should do is keep a notepad and every time this mood change happens. take note of what did it, if you dont know. write all your feeligns at that moment. read them later keep writing. pretty soon you will understand yourself better. then if you see a doctor you have it all written and the you can get answers better. but it seems that its all connected to fears. not as in your afraid but something is acting against your "plan".

    i say when you start getting upset. breath and think about why you are that way.

  6. well u probally started ur peroid or something like that i would not kno i have not started mine but my cousin is like that when she starts her period.  

  7. Sounds like my youngest daughter. Could it be hormonal unbalance? I suggest that you see a doctor.

  8. its either yer on yer period

    or im guessing you have bipoler.

    good luck girl! :]

  9. Low on Iron perhaps? Try raisins or Iron supplements. Also, green leafy things can do wonders over time.  

  10. period maybe???

  11. Hormones out of whack, Bad PMS, Bipolar, many possibilities. See a Dr to figure it out. Blood work would be a good thing too, just to rule out anything more serious.

  12. actually it could be bipolar to that person that said it couldnt be... some people experience faster mood swings than others, or it could be bipolar 2, less severe kind and your moods change A LOT faster... but everyone always goes BIPOLAR BIPOLAR... leave it to the doctors people...  i just like proving people wrong

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