
A SERIOUS male question?

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I have a few questions about Masturbation (no stupid answers please)

A) Is it healthy

B)how often are you suppose to do it

C)do alot of people do it

D)why do I always have to pee afterwords???





  1. A. s hit

    B. on

    C. your

    D. roof

  2. A. Yes

    B. Every day

    C. Everyone does it, even animals do it

    D. I don't know.... I usually don't pee afterwards unless I had too much to drink or had to pee beforehand ::shrug::

  3. A=Yes 99% of all teens and 95% of all adult males do it

    B = as often as you want there are no problems with ejaculating

    C= See A, it is man's favorite pasttime

    D= no reason to need to pee, unless you needed to before. Perhaps you are just tightening your abs a lot, which puts pressure on your bladder.

  4. A) YES




  5. A) It's certainly not unhealthy

    B) There is no specific amount honestly.

    C) Everyone does it.

    D) Well a more scientific answer is: while masturbating there tubes that allow you to pee that are cut off. You are not able to pee and ejaculate at the same time. Once you have ejaculated, those tubes are open again allowing urine to pass through.

  6. 1) No but it feels grrrrrrrreat!

    2) I do it all the time. 2-3 times a day. I'm doing it right now.

    3) I've never seen anyone else do it but I'd say h**l yeah probably Jesus even did it.

    4) I pee during. Right into my mouth.

  7. A) Yes it is healthy, but like everything else over doing it may not.

    B) Once a day or more, depend on how your body could stand up for it.

    C) Yes alot, including myself.

    D) You held your pee while you shoot s***n, therefore you have to release your pee afterwards.

    Hope I could be any help.

  8. A) yes

    B) however much you want

    C) 98% of male humans m********e in their lifetimes

    D) I usually pee before masturbating

  9. A) No jesus said no.

    B) never.

    C) No, you are alone you dirty boy (and not in a good way)

    D) because that god's way of telling you to stop

  10. A) Yes, it is healthy and perfectly normal.

    B) Some people m********e once, twice, a few times a day. Some people don't m********e alot at all. It depends on the person. Keep in mind, you CAN m********e too much. So if your p***s starts to hurt, stop.

    C) Everyone masturbates / has tried to m********e. People who do not m********e are the ones considered not normal.

    D) It'sall in your head.

  11. A.) Yes Its Healthy

    B.) As Often As You Like (4-5 Times A Week)

    C.) ALL Guys Do It (ALL Girls Too)

    D.) Hmmmm. trying peeing before

  12. A- Yes it is healthy because it has been proven to

    help protect the prostate & lower the risk of prostate cancer.

    B- There is no set amount of times for masturbation,

    you can do it as often as you like. There is no way to

    hurt yourself by masturbating too much unless you

    cause a skin blister on your p***s due to the friction.

    You can just use a good water based lubricant to

    avoid that problem.

    C- Most men & woman either do or have masturbated

    at some time in their lives. There are those for religious

    reasons who don't m********e.

    D- The reason you have to urinate after you have

    masturbated is because the body wants to flush

    the urethra of s***n & sperm left in the passage.

    It is completely normal.

    F- Just for further info, masturbation is 100% normal

    and natural. It's a great way to learn how your

    body feels and to learn about your own sexuality.

    Masturbation is a great & safe way to relieve sexual

    tensions as well.

    Take care.

  13. a) yes, it is.

    b) whenever you have an urge.

    c) yeah.

    d) you pee cause you have to, maybe you have to pee before you m********e but you don't?

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