
A Star Wars Question for all fans?

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Would you rather see star wars episodes 7-9 in a high quality animation film aimed at a more mature crowd with real character development and good drama with the voices of the classic cast or would you rather see the same movie with live action and all classic star wars characters played by a totally new cast?




  1. Well seeing how the scripts for episodes 7,8, and 9 are all ash it really doesn't matter, but I think that the high quallity animation would be better. No one likes a renewed cast and animation has come a long long way I mean look at Beowulf, you could create perfect digital versions of the original characters and they could provide their voices.

  2. look at this ranking abour star wars


  4. I am a big Star Wars fan, but the animation of the Clone Wars movie is so weird (especially the humanoid characters) that I won't go to the theaters to see it.  

    If one or the other was to actually happen, I'd rather see episodes 7-9 in live action.  If they set it far enough in the future that the characters are ones from the books and video games are the ancestors of the characters in episodes 4-6, it could be good.  I don't think I could handle new actors playing Luke, Han, Leia etc.  That would be weird.  It's weird enough hearing different voices for the animated characters in the trailers for Clone Wars.  

    Star Wars was never intended for "a more mature crowd" anyway.  That's why so many people didn't like episodes 1-3.  They were expecting something more sophisticated and grown up than what they got.  Star Wars has always been for kids and the young at heart.  If you watch episodes 4-6, they are not very sophisticated either.  But we adult Star Wars fans like them best because we were kids when they first came out.  

    What I really want to see is a live action film set in the distant past about the origins of the Jedi and Sith orders.  The Tales of the Jedi radio plays, novels and comic books are pretty interesting.  That would be better than episodes 7-9.

  5. The only Sequels that would be good would be "Heir to the Empire" which in fact was what got Lucas back interested in Star Wars in 1995.

    He said in a interview that it was planned to be the sequels if he ever got around to them.

    Problem is that most of the cast is too old to play 5 years later.

    Carrie Fisher looks like a hipo

    Harrison Ford.. well look at Indiana Jones 4

    mark Hammil might be able to pull it off with a little makeup work.

    but other then that they'd have to make some changes.

  6. I'd go with episode 7-9 because the new cast would ruin the previous experience of watching the originals.

  7. Neither.  I want 7 to 9 with the original actors live action.  But it's not going to happen, so it doesn't really matter.  I hate any 'animation geared towards mature crowds'.  

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