
A State Funeral for Maggie Thatcher?

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They are taling aabout a state funeral for her... She sure put a lot of people on state-benefits, when she ended up with 4 million unemployed. What do you think?

Heyyy, she isn't even dead yet! It may be thirty years too late, but I will pull the trigger, if we want to wrap this up soon!




  1. Ever thought about growing up pal?

    Stop whining about how it is everybody else's fault for you being an ignorant, hard done by, t**d. Plenty of immigrants come here and do well - so why can't you? Too busy reading the Daily Mirror I suspect.

    You're pathetic!

  2. They can sell shares in it, then we can all make a profit.


  3. I'll vote for the State Funeral when she dies.

    On condition that the country gets the day off and can hold a nation wide street party to celebrate!!

  4. Her politics have cost the nation far too much already and she hasn't done much worthy of such an expense.  It's not as if her family cannot afford to pay their on funeral expenses.  Ask Mark Thatcher to pay, though he may be absent due to other commitments ;)

  5. if you new what you were talking about that would help. you should blame Neil kinocck for what happened in the 80s he helped close the mines down

  6. let her have her state funeral she will rot away in heel after it this country as been ruined by her there was politics before thatcher and there is politics after thatcher she has lots to answer for i.e the war against the miners, shutting down asylums thus making this country the least safe in Europe the poverty gap and trap you dance your jig on her grave i will perform a full bloody ballet on it

  7. Maggie Thatcher and Ronald Regan should have married the same fate. Life was much kinder to him than her. Both have done enough damage to the citizens of the world three times over. I think she's the lucky girl who still has time to repent for her evil deeds; whereas Mr. Senility never saw it coming, nor enjoyed his payoffs.  

  8. A bin bag and a shallow grave,she was responsible for systematically destroying the steel industry in scotland,getting cheaper steel from europe,yes she was the first woman prime ministress but i dislike the woman.

  9. Your view of history is very different to mine. The Country was in a mess when she took over, remember the Winter of discontent? She gripped the bull by the horns and turned this Country around with common sense, down to earth morals and sheer determination.

    If only she were in power now we would not have people saying "The state will pay for me, I don't need to get a job",  "I am better off on benefits than working" and we wouldn't have mature adults who had never worked a day in their lives!

    She was a godsend to this Country and I wish her a long and peaceful life. When she goes we should remember what she really did without political bias that you appear to have. I honestly believe she was the best PM we have had in my living memory and I for one think she earned (yes she actually worked for a living, alien as that concept is to many nowadays) a state funeral.    


  11. She did more harm to this country than anyone will ever really know.  It became acceptable to get rich quick and s*d anyone else.  Her son is the embodiment of his mother's philosophy.  Mark Thatcher was last seen hiding out in Spain in a rented villa which he owed £16,000 rent to an old Etonian.  Rather than getting the lawyers involved the old Etonian moved in on Mark Thatcher - the old Harrovian (a bit thicker generally) by alerting the Express newspaper to his whereabouts.  Evicting Mark Thatcher was never going to be easy through the courts - getting him out of the villa through the newspapers didn't cost the landlord a penny to lawyers and may have netted him a tidy sum from the Express newspaper.

    Obiang - in Equatorial Guinea is muttering about extraordinary rendition of Eli Calil, Peter Mandleson and Mark Thatcher to face coup charges in Equatorial Guinea.  

    My view is that ex SAS soldiers may be thoroughly fed up that Simon Mann is carrying the can alone and Mark Thatcher should look over his soldier to ex military types who might want revenge for Mann.

    If the son of Margaret Thatcher thought it acceptable to finance a coup - does that not tell you something of his parenting?  Perhaps in this case we should blame the parents - problem is Maggie has dementia and increasingly out of it - so she is not able to see the destruction she has wrought on this country.  New Labour my foot - neoThatcherism more like.

  12. YES! anything just let us get her into the hole.

  13. I consider myself politically Conservative, in a (current) labour stronghold in Yorkshire... I am outraged that she gets a state funeral - Harriet Harman's words like all politicians' will turn out to be lies - and soldiers overseas don't even have body armour to prevent them from their death - and those heros and heroines still don't get the amount of respect they deserve from their employers at Whitehall.

    Not only did she sell Britain PLC she ensured I was brought up in one of the most poorest areas of the country, thanks to her scrapping poll tax, fortunately she's old and female and near death otherwise I'd like to give her a piece of my mind, thought the age gap is quite big - I'm 17.

    To be fair though she was a good milestone her being the first PM and all and I do commend her courage for sending forces to the falklands whose inhabitants consider our Queen theirs ... though condemn the bombing of the shipo that turned away from the Falklands and highly commend her orders to send in the SAS in to the Iranian Embassy... All things considered however I personally can't see her eulogy gleaming with praise.

  14. Not to mention starting a war with a far-away country over some tiny islands. Talk about fiscally irresponsible.

    I am of course, talking about going to war with Argentina over the Falklands.

  15. I have a better idea, how about a funeral for the whole Labour party. It could be done cheaply using the recycling bins they are so proud of.

  16. Mrs Thatcher is solely responsible for The Plight of The working Men of Today. All our essential Services and More are Now Privatised for  PROFITS for Shareholders . The workers of Britain are replaced by Cheap Foreign Labourers who don't give a dam about us and are out to s***w us for every Benefit going . And It is an Insult to every Working Man to be asked to consider a State Funeral  for someone we trusted. She will get a Grand Funeral by all Those Super Wealthy,lazy speculators who hide behind Technology that they had no hand in creating. Capitalists today are like the dictators of Yesterday . The lady is not for Turning --Just Burning.

  17. Dreadful woman . Two faced crone who will be judged by history as the prime minister who was'nt for turning and ended up down failure alley due to an inability to admit she was wrong .

  18. Have you heard how much it's going to cost? £3 million! Watch the guys from Mock the Week talking about it, they reckon everyone will turn up just to make sure she's really dead and I whole-heartedly agree XD

  19. Sure.

    Why not?

    Give respect and honour.

    Where it's due.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  20. She certainly deserves a State Funeral.

    Definately the best PM in my lifetime.

    and probably only beaten by Winston as best PM for all time.

  21. i dont see why they keep going on about her funeral. she should plan her own.  

  22. oh i do hope so. I saw this question, as i got back from my holidays yesterday this is my first time back on y/a for three weeks. My heart jumped. Then you spoilt it by saying she is not past away yet!!!!!!!

  23. state burningf more like ha ha x

  24. Get an education. Go back to reading The Mirror with the rest of you NewLabour sheep.

  25. This is old news and has been posted on here many times before - the facts are that if the political parties at that time had been reversed, the outcomes would have been the same.  There is no political party that could have taken on the mess that Labour left and put it completely straight, Margaret Thatcher just did the best she could.  Ok so it wasn't pleasant but if Labour had had their way, we would still be suffering crippling power strikes, mountains of rubbish in our streets would be the norm and we would be a 3rd rate country stuck in the dark ages.  These are facts, not speculation.

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