
A Stray cat w/ mange?

by Guest58206  |  earlier

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There has been a stray coming around my apartments lately, and I've been feeding her. I noticed that her ears are almost completely bare and the fur around the base of ears and towards her eyes is very thin. Are these symptoms of mange, and if so, should I stay away from her or even come into contact with her?




  1. You need to call your states ASPCA or animal control officer. You obviously don't want to pay for this animal's vet bills so they'll take it away, and if its healthy enough they'll get rid of its mange or w/e it has, and adopt it to a family. Since it comes to you for food, and you've been close enough to see that there could be something wrong, it sounds like the cat is friendly and if healthy enough will probably be put up for adoption.  

  2. Just wear some gloves and long sleves. Try to get her into a cat carrier if you dont have one, a box. Take her to an animal shelter. They will care for her there and then try and get her a home! :D

  3. Cats do not get  mange,  usually hair loss around the head, ears and even neck can be ear mites,  may also have a bad case of fleas.  Are you able to touch the cat?  Get some Revolution from the vet,  and apply it to the back of her neck, it will take care of the ear mites, fleas and any intestinal parasites that she has.  You can contact a rescue group and get a spay voucher and have her spayed too!    Good Luck.
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