
A Teachable movement ? An extraordinary moment of truth telling .. A profile in courage ..?

by Guest44879  |  earlier

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Barack obama's speech on race and politics in America will stand for some time as the gold standard for oratory, eloquence, intelligence, compassion, content, national conscience, deftness..The speech came from the spoke to the heart. He identified himself as the product of a union between a black man from kenya and a white woman from kansas.. he traced the roots of America's racial problem to the original sin of slavery. He pointedout the error of his pastor's policits .. He weaved the narrative of the nation's past and future into the story of the lanky kid with with funny name and the kinky hair. He challenged to understand and embrace ''the burdens of our past without becoming victims of our past''..many teared on hearing his speech..He made his supporters proud ''no citizen can ask for more from a nation's leader-in-waiting. i liked the article appeared in a daily and it attracted me more and known more and i float it for opinion about a great leader.. will you ?




  1. If the haters stopped hating long enough to listen to it in its entirety they would learn a lot of good.

  2. Since Wright had never spoken thus in Obama's presence, Obama was in as great a shock as we were.  And yes, he had to respond in defense.  The difference in Obama is that he didn't just defend himself, but address the entire panorama of racism in America.  He didn't choose a huge venue for it, deliberately avoiding loud audience supporters.  He wanted to be heard without distraction.  That speech he wrote himself has been heralded by many veteran journalists as his best since his Convention Keynote.  And if you are able to deeply imagine what your life would be like as an inter-racial adult, having been exposed throughout your childhood to racism from both sides, you would see the pointlessness as effortlessly as he does.

  3. Obama gave this speech because he HAD to, to save his political career, period.  Obama is NOT the person to bring about this Nation's dialogue concerning race.  Obama has lived a very ELITE life, he has never been a "downtrodden person ", and I mean that within any race.  I believe our next national discussion of race will be more encompassing, in one should claim the "victim", no one should be given the "guilty road".  This will be a 2 way dialogue (unlike the dialogue in the 60's).  I for one will not listen to the "victim" mentality any more, and I refuse to be played the "guilt trip".  People of all races should be responsible for THEIR actions, the blame game just doesn't do it anymore, sorry.

  4. Whether or not one is for Obama or not, his speech was a very good one both in content and delivery.

  5. Meh.

    It was OK.

    He is a gifted speaker, but in all honesty, he didn't cover any new ground and still is laying the majority of the problems Blacks have at the feet of everyone else, thus ensuring the status of victim hood for some time to come.

    Personally, I'll take Bill Cosby's oratory on the problems black families face and how to deal with them.

  6. Be serious. Nobody compared to Hitler's ability to stir the masses into unity for the cause of change. Obama isn't even close, though his intention of having the state control all of the commerce is similar.

  7. The biggest problem with the speech is that it was just words - which were contradicted by his actions.

    Remember the saying: "Actions speak louder than words."

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