
A UPS guy came by, but i didn't answer the door & he didn't leave the package, WHERE'D IT GO?

by  |  earlier

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bleh im upset because it was a dress i was going to wear the first day of school, which is tomtom. and i didnt answer the door because my momma wasn't home and i looked bad. D:




  1. it went back to the post office and they will bring it again for a few days then if no one answers to sign for it u will have to go pick it up  

  2. The package is being sent through certified delivery, which means whoever sent it is very concerned that you receive your package. UPS will try 3 (I think) times and usually will leave slips on your door stating the date of the next drop off. If all this fails you will have to pick it up at your nearest UPS location.

  3. You should have a tracking number assigned to your package from when you made the purchase.

    Go to this website, enter your location, enter your tracking number, and it will tell you where the package is.  They should try to redeliver the following day, and if you do not answer the door, then they should leave a card for you to go pick it up from the office.

  4. Look for a yellow slip of paper near the door. The package must require a signature for delivery. The paper will tell you if they will try to deliver it again or if you are required to pick it up.

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