
A University of Michigan study has concluded YA is not a reliable source of info, do you agree?

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  1. We didn't need a study to know this is true.

  2. It matters the kind of question. A lot of the pop culture questions are accurate and you can't argue with the subjective questions. I have read MANY science and health questions (I'm a US medical doctor) and A LOT of the "best answers" are very wrong, at least according to board of internal medicine standard of care (ie:I would get sued if I did those things in my practice). But people still choose those answers anyway, so I'm not too surprised by this study.

  3. WOW, the University of Michigan just discovered the Amazon River..........great way to waste money!

  4. it depends in most cases if people answer questions seriously then is reliable source but of course the trolls are not reliable

  5. i don't know how with all my posts.

    i'll work on getting that changed by posting more.

  6. Evidently UM had nothing better to do. Most of the people on this site do not pretend to be experts in the field, though some of them are. For questions that have only have one correct answer (like math problems) the right answer is the right answer. For questions that ask for an opinion--an opinion is just an opinion. If one is looking for expert advice, this is not the place to find it, and rolling out long winded quotations from Wiki are anti-productive, since Wiki is not a valid research source. All that aside, there are some very smart people answering questions in earnest, and their answers are easily recognized--all you have to do is eliminate the joke answers, the poor spelling, and the incomprehensible sentence constructions, and you have what is probably a good, solid answer. I would never dream of asking life-changing questions, emergency matters, or requests for financial advice on a site like this. Unfortunately, some people insist on doing just that.

  7. U-M sucks, GO STATE!!!!   lol

  8. Yes I agree, It is not a reliable source of information since the person who ask the question is the one who votes which one would be the best answer when all along that person posted that question because he or she didn't  know the answer.

  9. i agree ,but you can find some very usefull tips & some really annoying jokers myself ...depends what mood you;r in i guess as to how reliable the answer is

  10. I very strongly disagree. i have learned many things on YA and its is my addiction!!!!!!!!

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