
A VERY difficult question to answer about the Solar Eclipse..............?

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My friend is about to have an eclipse in his 11th house. He lives in Pittsburgh....................... A week after the eclipse he is taking a 4 day trip to Los Angeles. Now here's the thing. In Los Angeles his relocated chart "if he lived there' shows the eclipse within 1 degree of his Ascendant IF he actually lived out there .............. Will he experience his "relocated" L.A. 1st house eclipse on his 4 day trip if he STILL technically lives in Pittsburgh and is dealing with an 11th house eclipse?




  1. He should wear an extra pair of socks.

    You are gorgeous btw!!!!

  2. NO!  USE THE NATAL CHART and where ever you are when the eclipse occurs!

  3. Technically, yes, any passing transit at his present location "should" affect his natal stars. Theoretically, the influence of the eclipse should, indeed, be felt upon the native at the location and degree of transit.

    As far as specific preventative measures, maybe a little more rest the night before. In my experience, an eclipse tends to sap energy from the Ascendant, so getting a good nights sleep, eating well, and reducing stress would be the recommended countermeasures.

  4. We have to know his complete natal chart to advise appropriately. As Left-T pointed out, transits must be interpreted relative to the planets and signs of the natal chart. It's also a lot more reliable if you do this with a sidereal (rather than tropical) natal chart and transit chart, IMO.

    However eclipses are NEVER good, basically. The only question is - depending on his birth chart HOW BAD will it be for the specific individual.

    What happens during an eclipse, as I understand it, is that the Sun and Moon conjoin - this normally simply produces a new moon, but every few years they conjoin in additional conjunction with Rahu or Ketu, the northern or southern node. (The current eclipse is 9 degrees conjunct with Ketu). In effect what happens is that Ketu destroys all the significations of the two extremely important planets: Sun and Moon. Additionally the natal house of the sign this takes place in (Cancer in this eclipse) is ruined especially during the eclipse. The moon passes out of range of Ketu within a day or two of the eclipse and things improve significantly (in this case, 2 days). The sun however, moves more slowly, and suffers the effects of close conjunction with Ketu for 2 weeks or more.

    If your friends sun or cancer is connected with the 9th house, you might do well to strongly advise him or her to delay the trip.

  5. i heard the eclipse wont be seen in the western part of the US =[ too bad cuz thats where i live

  6. Hi DollB

    First of all, new Moons and Eclipses are of considerdable importance if they fall in conjunction or opposition to some important point in the NATAL chart. Generally, the transit or eclipse of the Moon thorugh a house or over the place of any planet tends to call forth the natural meaning of that house or planet, for good or evil, according to its signiicance by position and aspects at birth.

    The journey your friend wants to take should be undertaken when the Moon is going through the 1st, 3rd, or 9th house, or over its own place if well apsected. If he is planning some business, he should do it when Moon is passing through the 2nd, 6th or 10th house, whichever is the most fortunate, or when it transits Jupiter or Venus.

    As for feeling the transit, he will feel it but, the question is will he use it to his advantage ?

    Transit or eclipse in 11th house deals with friendships, acquaintances. The house is connected to hopes and desires and whether this comes to the forefront, depends on his natal chart. This is a fortunate position for Moon and the most should be made of all the opportunities that come his way.

    When it enters the Ascendant, it will bring all matters connected with the personality to the fore and much will depend upon his own actions and his attitude as to how the directions will affect him.

    This often affects the health but, this depends on her place at birth.

    What Moon does when passing in the 1st, is CHANGES. He has to note what kind of changes he desires so as not to make any mistakes. In a general sense, he may expect the personality to be of more importance rather than his individuality because the Moon is in the lower half of the chart (house I to IV).

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