
A Very Strange Depressed Emotion?

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Well When i lay in my bed or sit on my chair and im bored i just think about my 8th grade Year and when i think about one memory my stomach like starts hurting and i sort of feel a bit depressed can someone tell me what this is? or like what to do?




  1. Ive had those come to me many times.

    In 8th grade, you probably had some hard and tough moments.

    When you think about them, you put yourself in a depressed state.

    I know when I sit down and think about my 3rd grade year, due to the fact i didnt really have close friends, i start feeling depressed and sad.

    What you can do to get that feeling away is just think about how much things have changed for you since then.

    How much you've grown and experienced later on in life and before.

  2. Forget about past and think about glittering future.

    Past was died, u cannot recall or change.

    Take it as an experience.

    All thebest.

  3. its funny, when I used to think back to my 2nd and 3rd grade years I'd remember how much fun I had and become really depressed, the exact opposite of the first response. It felt like I would never again be able to have as good a time or be as happy again, which made me somewhat depressed. Is this what your feeling?  

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