
A WAITER CALLED me a bad name because my tip was not good enough...who do i complain to..i was in tears.?

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A WAITER CALLED me a bad name because my tip was not good enough...who do i complain to..i was in tears.?




  1. go to the manager and he will get fired

  2. Waiters have no right to say anything to you about the tip.  You should report him to the manager.

  3. I would complain to the manager.  No matter what the tip was that he received, they were completely out of line.

  4. your fault,how am i suppose to know do what you suppose

  5. Call in and ask to speak to the manager and tell him...that was inexcusable (unless you only left a penny or similar..that is worse than nothing....).

    Not everyone can even afford a tip now adays..I can't sometimes..

  6. First report to the manager, then look within yourself, just to make sure you still remember that the help are still human, and should be treated like people regardless of their job title.

    But If you shown respect and appreciation for the service and he still acted disrespectful to you the customer then he needs to find another job......or get his fingers broken. :)

  7. As a server I can say that even I am appalled by that!  Even when I want to because a guest has been completely rude to me ( as badly as I may have wanted to) I haven't called a guest a name.

    Going to the manager is really not the most effective way to get a reaction.  If it is a corporate chain restaurant (i.e. olive garden,  Applebee's, etc.)  Go to their website.  There is usually a link for feedback.   Then it gives you a chance to pick which store your feedback is for. Now is your opportunity to go straight to corporate and make a complaint.  I have worked at a few chain restaurants and for all of those the rule has been : three corporate complaints and your fired.  The manager doesn't even have a chance to make a choice based on if they like them or not.  And trust me, if you make a corporate complaint the server will definitly hear about it.

    If it isn't a restaurant where you can go straight to corporate offices, then I would recommend calling the resaurant and asking to speak to the General Manager (The big boss)  This will get more of a reaction than just speaking to a manager that for all you know may not even be in charge of the servers in the front of the house.

    hope that helps!

  8. You have 2 options:

    1) Let it go and accept that he was being rude, and there are people in the world who are like that regardless of whether you left a good tip or not.

    2) Go back to the restaurant and speak to his supervisor/manager.

  9. The manager, then don't go back.

  10. 1st question-how old are you

    2nd- are you a difficult customer

    3rd- how much did you leave

    Depending on those answers you may have deserved it. Waiters only make $2.13 an considerate

  11. there manger

  12. Too many waiters/waitresses take their tips for granted.  If I have an exceptional waiter, I tip the full 15% and sometimes more............if the service is poor, they're not friendly and courteous, they get tipped, if anything accordingly.

    Your waiter was completely out of line to treat you that way and he needs to be reported to the Manager.  If this is the way he treats all customers, the establishment will start losing business and regular customers so guaranteed the Manager will want to know about it and appreciate your taking the time to discuss it with him.

    Don't be surprised if you end up with a free lunch or voucher for the place.  

    When customers bad mouth the restaurant for whatever reason it spreads like wildfire and Management like to nip it in the bud......he might try to appease you with a voucher or whatever and don't hesitate to take it.  

    At that point, it will be your choice whether or not you choose to return to the place again.............and if you do, its totally within your right to ask for a different server.

    Don't feel bad doing this!  If ignorant waiters aren't stopped and reprimanded for actions like this, they will continue their behaviour with other patrons!

  13. Talk to the manager!

    Why did you give a poor tip? Was the service/food bad? Let the manager know!

  14. Report too the manager go there or call he was a bully....

  15. Talk to the manager of the restaurant. She/he'll know what to do.

  16. the manager/owener of the resturante

  17. Definitely talk to the owner or manager on duty, or both.  People forget sometimes that tipping is actually optional.  I was a waitress for over 10 years and I have received bad tips and no tips.  The waiter might have been having a bad day, but calling anyone names is no excuse.  He's lucky he gets a tip at all.

  18. Go to the restraunt manager.... Stand outside the place and tell people what happened... =D

  19. You really shouldn't say anything. Just the next time you get that waiter at that restaurant, make the tip even lower.

  20. Call and ask for the manager.

  21. ask the manager to bring the waiter over so the two of you could discuss it front of the manager...let's see if he changes his tune.

  22. Once you calm down, call the restaurant and ask for the address of the owner or management company for the restaurant.

    Then write a letter explaining what happen and how you felt. Do not threaten or rant. Do not ask for anything free, don;t threaten to never go there again. Just explain your position and thank them for your time.

  23. Get over it and leave a better tip next time.

  24. ...Talk to the manager about it, i am sure the manager would do something to him...

  25. Call and talk to the manager, if they don't do anything, call the actual company. People are so rude :/

  26. You should have immediately asked to speak to a manager. Why were you crying?? That was a bit too much!

  27. Tell the waiter's boss and complain !


  29. yeah...demand to speak to the manager.

    and maybe ask for your "not good enough" tip back haha.

  30. Go to the manager, or the complaint line.

  31. To the corporate office and the manager, you cheapskate.

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