
A Weird Dream what does it mean ?

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i had a very strange dream but i was awake when i had it i was walking around all i could see was a wast land with a black vortex tornado thing sucking everyone in does anyone know what this means ?




  1. Tornado

    To see a tornado in your dream, suggests that you are experiencing some extreme emotional outbursts and temper tantrums. Is there a situation or relationship in your life that may be potentially destructive? To dream that you are in a tornado, signifies that you are feeling overwhelmed and out of control. You will be met with a series of disappointments for the next week or so. Your plans will be filled with complications.


    Black in a dream is often symbolic of the unknown. It can stand for mystery, darkness, death, mourning, or the unconscious. It can also mean hate or malice. If you dream of the colours black and white together, your psyche may be trying to tell you that you need to be more objective when you make decisions. Perhaps you need to find a balance between two things from which you must choose. ♦

  2. This could be anything from meeting a distant relative and forming a connection, to how you feel in the shower when you close your eyes so soap doesn't in you  r eyes

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