I belong to a Group : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/gothicnorthcarolina/
Lately the SPAM mail has been getting worse, to the point many of the original posters don't use it anymore. Time to talk to the moderator roght? Well, according to the group, the guy who started it: Nebuladust doesn't have a disclosed email and if you try emailing the yahoo ID listed, it comes back as the account has been disabled. I hate to see this group go by the wayside, it's been around since 2000 and had a good following at one point. Is there ANY way to either get yahoo to email the guy if there's another address on file (Others have tried posting to the list and emailing the address we had to no avail) or get the Group transferred to someone else or add another Moderator from someone on the list...? Who can I talk to? Getting people to join yet ANOTHER group is harder these days, everyone thinks they're going to ask for more SPAM, and the old group has name recognition.