
A ? about my NASCAR trivia questions?

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Ok gang...most of you seem to enjoy my little trivia but I have got some feedback to where you would like to see it at the same time everyday so you won't miss it which I am fine with. I am thinking about posting new trivia (one per day) at 10:00pm EST thought this would give everyone a descent time across the country to see it. Does this work for you? Or should I just move on to other questions and leave my trivia in my dusty old books? Feedback is welcomed. Bashing is not. Thanks!




  1. Sounds good to me and I agree that it'll kind of take the place of where Tom G was honoring people so that's good cause I miss those too! So now we have something to look forward to each day!

  2. fine with me as long as it's fair

  3. That'll work Jeff.

    CRS anymore lol  but i'll try

  4. I would like them more if they were opinion questions but i guess that's cool

  5. I think the same time is best. Only because then someone like me who doesn't check into YA that often will know when to do so!

    Hmmm... I don't recall seeing your trivia questions before. However, as I said, I haven't been too much of a regular. Maybe I have, & I just don't remember... very possible!

  6. They are awesome. Now they fill the void of daily questions. There was Tom G's honoring thing, so I guess we have a new one now. Sweet.  

  7. I would go for the more in depth answer. And go that way.

    10pm EST would work. I don't get on until after 12:30pm most nights (after work) But none the less, its pretty cool to get my mind working one last time before i crash (no pun intended) out of NASCAR for the night.

  8. These are fun! Keep them coming. You may want to leave them open a little longer, though. When I answer them I don't look at the other answers until after I answered. I look forward to seeing more! Gas on!  

  9. That works for me seeing as I am on the east coast.

    However you want to choose your best answer is fine with me...I just enjoy your questions and enjoy digging for the answer.  

  10. That works for me.  I love your trivia questions.  It'd be great if you could post them at the same time every day.  Keep up the good work!

  11. that sounds great and as long as none of them include kyle i will not bash

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