
A ? about the Affliction fights.

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xhawkeye, thanks for the link.




  1. The Affliction fights were not under the ufc thats one of the reasons why it was not the normal ring. Also the Affliction fights were for fighter that we old, hasnt one a fight in a long time, or ones that want to get back in the game. I didnt like the Afflictions fights.

  2. I personally prefer the ring when at a live event.  I have been to many MMA events from King of the cage to UFC and PRIDE (was at both Vegas shows.  Whenever I am at a caged evet I find myself watching the big screens more than the actual live action in the cage.  When at an event where the fighters are in the ring I find myself watching the live action far more often.

    The New Throwdown ring used at Affliction was much larger than the PRIDE ring and had a few hangups (notice after Babalus fight there was much less problems with fighters going through the ropes) and the thewy had to make some adjustments to to the straps holding the ropes

    I am a fan of both and I am a selfish MMA fan.  If I am watching Randy I prefer a cage (he has some of the best cage specific tactics bar none) and when I watch Fedor I love the ring, the way he can us those 90degree angles to land punches becaus ethe opponent had no where to go.

  3. Your just use to watching cage fights. Affliction is in a ring like they had in Pride. It a lot differentt fighting in a ring than a cage and the fighters have to train differently for them.

  4. I think Affliction chose to avoid the cage and octagon as those are currently trademarks of the UFC. The goal is, to whether you like it or not, to have a marked difference and establish thier own brand or identity.

    Personally I like the cage as it is efficient and I feel safer for the fighters. It also adds a level of skill because the fence is often an integral part of the ground game.  

  5. I am honestly kind of torn on the whole question of cage versus ring. I like the cage, but then again at the same time I don't. I like the cage in that you have no worries of anyone falling out of the ring. After having watched a friend of mine that use to kickbox with me get his throat damaged by falling on a rope after getting knocked out that concern is always just below the surface of my mind when I watch fights in a ring. On the other hand so many guys just shove somebody into the cage and lay there and do next to nothing that it makes it boring and to that extent I like the ring better. When they get too close or start to slide under they stop the fight and move them back. Not that they always do it as they should I thought they let Linland hold his guy in that corner way too long and he couldn't try to escape without going out under the ropes. I like grappling, but when they just drive somebody to the fence it takes a lot of the grappling out of it. The bottom man can't shift his hips out to work the angles for either submission or escape. I think a lot of wrestlers do that that just don't have much of a submission game and don't want the bottom man to be able to work angles on them and catch them in submissions.

    I really prefer the cage all the way around, but I wish they would stand or move the fight back to the center when guys start doing that lay and pray c**p. I'm not g*y and I have no desire to watch 1 guy lay on top of another and not do much of anything except try to keep him trapped in a corner against a fence where he can't move or do anything. Yes, I know that is part of the game, but it doesn't really show much in the way of skill. It is just laying on someone and using the environment against them. Not something to be overly proud of if you ask me. I would like to see the cage used to keep people from falling out like they can in a ring, but I'd like to see the fight pulled back to the center when they get tied up against the cage. We've seen all kinds of people cheat and hold the cage even though they aren't supposed to and just use that to hold them down and it slows the grappling way down. You want to fight on the ground fine, but lets see it pulled back out to the center and restarted from there. We would be seeing a lot more submissions would be my bet.  

  6. they were kind of paying tribute to pride but i've read they may not keep it in a traditional ring for long. the site below talks about the affliction event and the next one

  7. matt linland would have lost even if it was in a cage. fedor only held the ropes momentarily as a result of reflex. he beat him via submission so the ropes don't really matter.

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