my aries man is a basketball plaer and is REAL good, colleges are looking at him and EVERything! he likes to spoil me in a way,,, i just wanna kno how things would work out if he was always on the road with the NBA players, (yes he is 97% going to the NBA) how would things work out??? what would be some things he would do?? would he cheat? Send me flowers??? take me to different trips around the world, like buy a house for us??? TAke us on vacation? WOuld he wanna marry me fast?? He is in love with me, definetly, and i love him bak
PLEASE ANSWER! XOXOXOXO And God Bless and have a blessed day
please no copy aand paste answers. PLEASE RESPOnd
and say if if was there with him 70-80% of the time
PLease give LOONNGGG detailed answers..
and what if he was faithful aries man?? and what if he wasnt??